The Ultimate Kissing Survey
Age of first kiss: 13
Number of people you've kissed: shit i dont even know... alot okay hah..
French kissing is: a dumb word for making out... but its awesome!
The worst kind of kiss is: slobbery
The best kisser you know: im not gonna lie... id have to say Kris! ahh lol.
The worst kisser you know: idk... i dont really think ive kissed anyone THAT bad lol.
The celebrity you'd like to kiss: Chad Micheal Murray
Friend you would like to kiss: idk... thats for me to kno... haha jp.
Favorite movie kiss: fuck if i know..
Do you kiss on the first date? of course
Eyes open or closed? closed
Average number of kisses you get a day: ha mabye one or two... from one guy.
Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? no... i wouldnt do taht.
The last person you kissed: Stu
Best placed to be kissed:
Have you kissed someone of the same sex? yes
What about the opposite sex? no shit...
Do you consider kissing cheating? if ur dating someone... duhhhh
The longest you've gone without a kiss: i dont keep a record...
The kiss you regret most is: i dont regret kissing anyone...
Kissing in public is: no different then kissing in private...
Tongue rings are: FUCKIN AWESOME!
Two girls kissing is: fine... idc it happens lol.
Two guys kissing is: NASTY!
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