Feb 20, 2005 16:57
ThUrSdAy~i stayed at home all day because we were out of school! yeah..it was really boring, but oh well i got out of school!
FrIdAy~i had to wake up early...for no reason at all! lol, oh well! then BeThAnY and KaTeLyNn wanted me to go to the movies with them that night. soOo at like noon my dad took me over to BeThAnY*s house. we hung out and then went over to KaTeLyNn*s for a little while. then BeThAnY and KaTeLyNn had to get ready soOo me and BeThaNy went back to her house then we dot KaTeLyNn*s mom to take us to the RAVE. we got up there and people were already there...soOo we got out tickets and went to see BOOGYMAN! ok...the first time i saw that i was soOo scared...but the second time it was soOo funny. everyone was like freaking out and yeah i was laughing! after the movie me KaTeLyNn BeThAnY MoRgAn and LeAtH all walked down to MOES and had chips and dip. it was really good. then we were bored and had to wait for someone to come get us...soOo me and BeThaNy walked to CVS to get warm. but we thought that the people that worked there were gonna think that we were stealing something...soOo we bought some PEPPERMINTS! lol...i know, RANDOM! but anywayz...BeThAnY*s mom finally came and got us and we took KaTeLyNn home and then me and went back to BeThaNy*s. then me and BeThaNy were tierd soOo we went to bed.
SaTuRdAy~we woke up at like 9. don*t really know why...but yeah. soOo at like 10 we called KaTeLyNn and told her to come over to make posters for DIAMOND DOLLS! omgah...we like didn*t know what SPAIN PARKS colors were. i called soOo many people..but finally jOeL called this AbBy girl and she told us...but after all that trouble...we useds the wrong color blue! lol...oh well! then we all went to KaTeLyNn*s house and ordered a pizza. i took FOREVER to get there. but then we ate and BeThaNy and KaTeLynN packed a bag to go to my house. soOo then my mom came and got us. when we got to my house i took a shower and then we were bored soOo we wer gonna walk to get an ICEE. but when we walked past CoRy*s house, we saw him and WiLL. soOo we stopped and hungout over at his house and then it was dark soOo his mom took us home. when we got to my house...it turns out that my brother had like a ton of friends over soOo...we ate PIZZA and then "went on a walk". we went to LaUrEn*s house cause her parents weren*t home...but omgah! KaTeLyNn and LaUrEn aren*t supposed to be hanging out together. we were all sittin in the drive way and yeah, her mom pulls up. we were soOo scared that she was gonna see us. but we took off running and she didn*t. but then i lost my phone and it was dark and raining soOo i didn*t think that i was gonna find it but we finally did! yay for me! lol. then it was getting late soOo wewent back to my house. and later we were tierd soOo we were gonna go to bed. but then BeThaNy like freaked out and starts randomly yelling at us and cussing us out. it was kindo funny. she had like a huge MOOD SWING! one minute she was like bouncing off the walls, the next minute she is yelling at people, the next she is crying, and the next she is asleep. after all the drama...CoDy called me and wanted to know if we wanted them to come get us. but a lot had happoned that night...like family wise that i*m not gonna post. soOo we just didn*t wanna go. but CoDy was being soOo sweet! he like talked me through it and made sure i was ok. and he made my feel alot better!
SuNdAy~ we all woke up and me and KaTeLyNn had to tell BeThaNy EVERYTHING that she said the night before... because she didn*t remember ANYTHING! lol. then we just did stuff and they went home. then i had to take my cat to the humain society and yeah it was kinda sad..but if it something that will make my parents nit fight as much...then it*s worth it! but anywayz...then we came back home and here i am now! i*ll update later! luv ya!
***oh yeah...is anyone out of school tomorrow...well other than VESTAVIA. cause i*m gonna be really bored. soOo call me!