Apr 07, 2005 19:30

ok this is the best day of my life!!!!!

PAIGE DAVIS CAME TO SPINS!!!AND TALK TO US FOR 2-3HOURS!!!! omg u can't image how happy i am....this may sound chesse but she is like my idol!! mmm yes she is bubbly and happy and the same as on tv as in really life! ok ok this so made my day omg!!! i am so happy!!! ahhhhhh!!!!

ok u r wondering why she came to our studio?? well our owner of the studio( cheryl) was invited to the cast party after the broadway show chicago. and she was talking to paige and congrauation her on the performance and so she start to walk away....since our studio is so well know some one told paige that she is a owner of am amazing studio that teaches the things in NYC. so pagie came running down the hall way( yes u heard me she RAN!!! TO CHEYL) and asked cheryl if she can come to the studio and watch us and talk to us!!! omg i love cheryl. lol the best part is that cheryl gave her a spins sweater lol.

sublimechildx: is she redoing that ugly purple tile in the waiting room?<-----hahaha i love u melissa!!:p
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