Dec 28, 2004 21:22
i was bored and wanted to get some stuff off my i filled this thing out
Smoke?: nope
Do drugs?: nope
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: eh no :\
Sleep with stuffed animals?: no
Live in the moment?: i guess so
Think you'll get married?: i hope so
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: i used to but not really anymore
Play an instrument?: yea my brothers drums whenever i feel like it
Believe there is life on other planets?: no not really
Remember your first love?: havent had one yet...but i know who i want it to be : /
Still love him/her?: - -
Read the newpaper?: yea
Have gay/lesbian friends?: yea
Believe in miracles?: yes
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: of course
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yep
Like the taste of alcohol?: dk...
Fave candy?: 3 muskateers
Believe in astrology?: sometimes i want to..but no
Believe in magic?: not really
Believe in God?: yes
Pray?: yes
Go to church?: yea once in awhile
Have any secrets?: yes...
Any pets?: a cat
College?: of course
Major?: not quite sure yet..
Talk to strangers who IM you?: sometimes...
Wear hats?: not very often
Hate yourself?: no
Wish you were someone else?: no
Have an obsession?: eh somewhat
Collect anything?: not really nemore
Have a best friend(s)?: yep..((3 muskateers..whaaat!!))
Wish on stars?: every once in awhile
Like your handwriting?: sometimes
Any bad habits?: procrastination and probably some others...
Care about looks?: not really
Believe in witches? no
Satan?: yea
Ghosts?: hmm...maybe
Trust others easily?: yea...sometimes too easily
Like noise? Um I like music...but i get annoyed way to easily for basically nething else
Last time you.
Bought something: um i really dk
Danced: eh not too sure
Were sarcastic: prob. today at some point
Talked to an Ex: umm...
Nightmare: who knows
Last book you read: chicken soup for the teenage soul IV
Last movie you saw: princes diaries 2 min. ago
Last song you heard: breakaway::kelly clarkson
Last thing you had to drink: ice tea
Feeling this moment: kinda sick//happy
Band: mm..lots of them
Show: Laguna Beach // Boy Meets World
Song: breakaway && beautiful soul
Sport: softball
Color: pink&orange
Team: gators...oh and BARONS!!
Person to talk to online: haha michelle
Person: I love all my friends to death
[ x ] Wallet - uh its pink and has $$ in it..a homecoming pic. and some other pic.
[ x ] Hairbrush - light wood
[ x ] Toothbrush - pink
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily - necklace livestrong bracelet and an anklet
[ x ] Pillow cover - white and blue
[ x ] Coffee Cup - i dont drink coffee..
[ x ] Sunglasses - only have 1 pair that i only wear for there my light blue oakleys
[ x ] Underwear - yellow w/ palm trees
[ x ] Favorite shirt - light pink abercrombie one
[ x ] Cologne/Perfume - Miracle
[ x ] Tattoos - none
[ x ] Piercings -
[ x ] In my head - waay too much that doesnt need to be there
[ x ] Wishing - i didnt have so much in my head
[ x ] After this - going to bed or watching cinderella story
[ x ] Fetishes - chewing with ur mouth open...lying
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now - someone special..
[ x ] Is next to you - a table on one side and some christmas boxes ont he other
[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - cinderella story, a walk to remember, sweet home alabama,napoleon dynamite
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - going to p.i w/ michelle, my birthday!, and getting to see him but not wanting to school
[ x ] The last thing you ate - angel hair pasta and chicken
[ x ] Something that you are afraid of - dying without telling people what they mean to me && some other things im not saying..
[ x ] Do you like candles - yea if they smell good
[ x ] Do you like incense - no not really
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood - ew no
[ x ] Do you believe in love - yes
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - yea
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - mm yea i guess so
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven - yes
[ x ] Do you believe in God - yes
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die - burried i guess...i really dont think about those things
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy - uh? i dont think i have any
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - a llama! ha or a dolphin
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - 4:30 at michelles house--oh that was a good night!
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - yea actually i can
[ x ] What's your favorite coin - lol uh? the florida quarter!
[ x ] What are some of your favorite animals - llamas, dolphins, cats, and koalas
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand - everyone has feelings
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better - why bad things happen to good people
[ x ] Who is someone that you really wish was still around - my great great grandma cause she was so awesome
-- Name: Krysta Hall
-- Birth date: January 24, 1989
-- Nickname: KK,kippie((haha)) um i dk
-- Current Location: st pete
-- Eye Color: brown
-- Hair Color: brown
-- Height: 5'4 3/4..ha w/e dumb doctors just tell me im 5'5
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: aquarious
-- The shoes you wore today: um i dk what there michelle my lawn nomb shoes!
-- Your weakness: giving in to telling my secrets
-- Your fears: dying, losing touch w/ friends ive had forever, losing anyone close to me
-- Your perfect pizza: white pizza
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: get into college and make my family proud of me, then do something to help other people
-- Your most overused phrase online: hey? lol i dk
-- Your thoughts when you first wake up: its too early
-- Your best physical feature: uh..
-- Your bedtime: usually between 11-1
-- Most missed memory: the old st judes days and all my friends from there...
-- Pepsi or Coke: coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Mcdonalds
-- Adidas or Nike: Nike
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino? i reall dk
-- Smoke: nope
-- Cuss: only when im really mad
-- Sing: hm..only the national anthem on the way to tournaments!
-- Take a shower everyday: during the week yess..but i get lazy on weekends
-- Have a crush(es): yea :/
-- Do you think you've been in love: no
-- Want to go to college: yeaaa def.
-- Like(d) high school: yes
-- Want to get married: of course
-- Believe in yourself: yea most of the time
-- Get motion sickness: not usually
-- Think you're attractive: ehh
-- Think you're a health freak: no
-- Get along with your parents: usually
-- Play an instrument: no..i already answered like half of these..
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: no
-- Smoked: no
-- Done a drug: nope
-- Had Sex: no wayy
-- Gone on a date: no
-- Gone to the mall?: uh like a gillion times
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no ive never done that..
-- Eaten sushi: nope never done that either
-- Been on stage: no
-- Been dumped: no
-- Gone skating: nope
-- Made homemade cookies: yea w/ my grandma
-- Gone skinny dipping: no
-- Dyed your hair: nope
-- Stolen anything: noo
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
-- If so, was it mixed company?:
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
-- Been caught "doing something": no
-- Been called a tease: no
-- Gotten beaten up: oh yea all the not really
-- Shoplifted: when i was like 6 on accident
-- Changed who you were to fit in: no way
-- Age you hope to be married: um 23?
-- Numbers and Names of Children: if boy: 4 2 boys 2 girls..Landon, Payton- Hannah, Aubrey
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: in a huge church w/ flowers everywhere and my entire family being there
-- How do you want to die: peacefully knowing that i got to say goodbye to everyone i loved
-- Where you want to go to college: umm not too sure
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: i guess either an orthodontist or some kind of dr
-- What country would you most like to visit: Europe
-- Best eye color? really doesnt matter, but i like blue
-- Best hair color? doesnt matter
-- Short or long hair: not too short but not so long he looks like a she
-- Height: as tall or taller than me, but if not that doesnt matter either
-- Best weight: idc
-- Best articles of clothing:uhhh? shirt, pants--lol i dk
-- Best first date location: uhh movies? idk..
-- Best first kiss location: aww beach? idk
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: basically all my the numbers pretty high
-- Number of CDs that I own: i havent counted them..
-- Number of piercings: 0
-- Number of tattoos: none
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? hmm..3 or 4
-- Number of cars you own: i dont own any cars
yea today was a tough day..something happened that i cant say dont ask plz...and last night was just..uhh bad? but w/e over that cuz i cant do anything about it...ohh but w/e im just rambling on...hopefully the rest of the week will be 98752987 times better...even tho i know it will because most of it will be spent w/ the most wonderful Michelle December! yess!
alright well i'll prob. put something else in here tomorrow...ttyl
_ _l