yah so im very very bored. and krys taught me how to put pictures on here the cool way so heres a bunch of pictures for your viewing pleasure.
((if some of the pics dont work, right click and go to show picture and they will come up))
cough mitch is hot cough what? who said that. silly.
the beautiful miranda.
miranda and sara enjoying some food at "the cold place" lol good times.
this is my friend...
port a '04. right ladies?
my cool shoes. miranda and sabrina declared me Emo. lol
my wall. nice.
my lamp. even nicer.
my pool. finally done. hooray.
me and miranda. IN BED. success.
im not quite sure but thats me. lol
erich sideways. showing me he enjoys LITTLE ENTREES.
but of course my favorite section of barnes n nobles. hahahahaha psh yah right.
erich. that little pothead. he sure is cool in my book.
krystiana thinks shes jesus. silly.
okay so check this out. that is sara. sucking on that straw yah. okay look at her...and then..
look at LALA. they totally look the same. and if you disagree then. well. burn.
my eye ball. blue/green. nice.
i looked thrilled.
i found this picture of myself amusing. hahahaha...wtf is on my ceiling? wow silly stuff.
<3 kk