Nov 29, 2005 23:29
mohini taggeddd me!!!
10 random-interesting- facts about me!!
1.)i hate breakfast at neother time in the day except monring. excluding wafflehouse.
2.)even though i most of the time am chippy in the mornings..i HATE it.
3.)i really dont like scary movies.
4.)i cant eat nethin that was once cooked then frozen..then cooked again. nastay
5.)i love candles...i mean loveeeeeee candles.
6.) i cant pop my neck,back, or fingers.
7.) i hate shopping.
8.) i hate talkin on the fone...omg i hate it.
9.) i love going to movies. and i still have all my tickets.
10.) i have my hunting liscense
k taggin-- ALEX, wayland, matt, britney, brittany fischer!