(no subject)

Jun 26, 2005 21:25

Name: Janelle Marie Phillips
Nicknames: oh wow theres a lot but heres some... nella nelly janelly jelly belly kracker and ect.
School: Garber High School
E-mail:dont have one.
Eyes: blue
Siblings: 1 sister

< ~ ~ ~ HAVE YOU EVER.....??? ~ ~ ~

had sex? : nope.
Been so drunk you blacked out:nah.
Gone out in pajamas: Yes.
Missed school b/c it was raining: No.
Set any body part on fire for amusement: Hahaha No.
Kept a secret from everyone: yup
Had an imaginary friend: nah
Wanted to hook up with a friend: once i think soo...
Cried during a flick: YES !
Had a crush on a teacher: Nope.
Thought an animated character was hot: no.
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Nope.
Prank called someone: haha yea.
Been on stage: Yes many many times.

< ~ ~ ~ FAVORITES ~ ~ ~ >

Shampoo: Herbal Essences.
Soap: Dove Body Wash
Colors: light pink and blue
Day/Night: night.
Summer/Winter: summer
Online Smiley: umm... the ice cream sandwhich smily = D haha
Lace or satin: oh la la Satin.
Cartoon Character: hmmm
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No
Like anyone: Yes a lot.
Who have you known the longest of your friends: probably Jen.. or nicole
Who's the loudest of your friends: K lynn
Who do you go to for advice: i think most deff i go to sammi, or kelly
Who do you get the most surveys from: netzley and just randoms.
Who do you cry to: i dont really cry to anyone. i cry to myself lol
Who's body is the sexiest: all my friends a sexay=)

< ~ ~ ~ IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS, HAVE U.....??? ~ ~ ~ >

Cried: um yea...
Gotten your hair cut: nope thats tomorrow
Worn a skirt: no i dont wear skirts.
Been mean: yea =(
Been kissed: yes
Been ditched: nnope.
Been sarcastic: Yes.
Met someone new: Yes.
Talked to someone you have a crush on : Yes!
Missed someone: Yes!!!!!
Hugged someone: Yes.
Fought with your parent:Yes.
Wished upon a star: more than once :yea..=/
Laughed until you cried: Yes last night in fact..
Played Truth or Dare: Nope.
Watched a sunrise/sunset: Nope i wish.
Went to the beach at night: Nope. i went to the beach today though.
Read a book for fun: HAHAH. Yeah, riiiight.
Ate a meal: Yes.
Are you lonely:Sometimes but not really cause i have some great friends and a great lover.
Are you happy: Sometimes well most of the time but these last couple of days i havent been.
Are you talking to someone online: No

< ~ ~ ~ DO YOU BELIEVE IN.....??? ~ ~ ~ >

God/Devil: God.
Santa: No.
The Closet Monster: No.
The Big Bang Theory: Yes.
Heaven/Hell: yea
Superstitions: Sometimes.
Love: most deff.


Where is Tupac? psh...
Who named you: my mom.
Backstreet Boys or N Sync: Backstreet Boys.
When was the last time you showered: this morning.
What song are U listening to right now: not listneing to anything
Britney or Christina: Britney.
What is right next to you: my bed cause im on my lap top.
What is your computer desk made of: Wood.
what was the last thing that you ate: ice cream.
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: probably on a crusie or something those are pretty sweet actualy i wouldnt mind anywhere as long as im in love=)
Where would you go on vacation: cali!
How many buddies do you have on your list: 293
How's the weather right now? freaking hot!
What did you do last night: went to nicoles 0=).
What's the best thing that you find about the opposite sex?: personality <3
How do YOU eat an Oreo: well DUH i eat the cream first then i eat the rest!
Dream car: red mustang
Have you ever won any special awards: yea for sure... but im not naming them all ;)
What do you want to be when you grow up: RN
What are your future goals: to get married have ONE kid MAYBE and move somewhere warm and where they need nurses
Favorite music: hmm im starting to like country cause my best friends a country FREAK=)
Favorite day of the year: August 18th.. my birthday Duh
Favorite guys cologne: hmm probably Axe or whatever austin wear cause he always smells good=)
Do you like to dance: Of course, dancing is my life
Fast or slow: Both i guess
Are you too shy to ask someone out: um yea
Favorite name brand: abercrombie i guess but pretty much anything is good.

If you could change your name: I wouldnt change my name i love my name.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Nope.
Have you ever slept over at the opposite sex house: Yes.
What is the stupidest thing you have ever done: rather not talk about it
What will your first son's name be: Ryan
On the phone or in person: In Person most deff.
Lust or Love: Love.
If you could change something about yourself: my feet!
Do you consider cheerleading a sport: Yes since i am a cheerleader.
Do you want your friends to do this survey: um Sure.

< ~ ~ ~ PERSONAL ~ ~ ~ >

What would you change in this world: wars most deff and like all the violence and stuff like that
What do you think of yourself: i think i am shy but then once you start to know me i am not all that shy and i also think that im athletic and friendly
Who was your last/current boyfriend/girlfriend: well i dont know what he is to me soo maybe hes just a crush to me..
Did you love him/her: no i dont love him yet
Are you still in love with him/her: my new crush i dont love yet sooo no hah as i said before.
Did you like this Survey: sure why not.

well right now i am soooo stressed out i just got back from tawas with Nicole and i wanted to do something tonight since my lovers leaving for a week and i wont see him at all or talk to him probably and i cant do anything. and to top it all off i think i am sick and i am sooooo tired. i got about 4 hours of sleep last night. haha you would have to know the story. anyways i will love you only if you comment.

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