Summer is almost here_

May 17, 2005 19:25

this week has me fabulous so far.

exams are next week and i am going out of my mind trying to study for them.
but on that good note i get out the last day of school at 9 30 you fool ha =)

summer starts in 8 days!!<3
i am most deff excited!

(+ or -)
+ loser<3
-dont get how people can be so rude.
+ dance recital june 3rd and 4th you better all come=)
+ kps b day in a couple weeks whoo hooo 20!!
+ choir concert tomorrow
- accident happened today=(
-failed a test oh joy
+love my friends mucho<3
+ port austin this weekend with nikki? maybe..
+modeling friday for starmaker.
+ summers in 8 days
+b day in a couple months haha
+ today i had absoulty nothing to do and it felt great.
- in someway keep getting hurt. kinda stinks ha
+ kelc called me today and i havent talked to her in forever!

Comment dollface

Mad love for all
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