cleaned my room and then house all day .
then steph came over to watch he game. we watched it and it was sad. so after we watched movies all night then fell asleep.
Woke up and watched tv. then steph got up and then we watched more tv and then i made breakfest for my mom n steph and i had some cerial then we took daisy for a walk and of course we just had to go by the faggot dustins house and alex came outside and was all actin cool trying to be all like wht r u doind here and stuff yea . then we went out side and were in the pool allday. and we did something. only me steph lauren jackie and jeff know what it was. but it was fuckin hilarious. then we just were in the pool llday and then steph went home and i came on here and then watched i want to be a hilton and degrassi
was gonna hang out with Jaclyn but didnt.. so just chilled out in the pool all day. then got ready and went to sea breeze and then to the roseville fireworks thye were pretty sweet . seen a lot of people.
went with my gramma shopping places. then came home and went in the pool. then came in and watched degrassi all night i was watching the every epicsode ever marathon untill 5:30 in the morning.
got up and called Jaclyn then she came over. we were in the pool all day . did not much of anything but stay in the pool allday. then we did the same thing that me n steph did. lmao only it was more this time. then we called steph to tell her. and then we called Jeff to ask him something and didnt get to talk to him so yea. then we stayed in the pool all day . then we came in and watched 7th heaven and then summerland and played penny hockey. then i walked with her to the cornner and then ran hoe cuse i got freaked put by the street light.ugh . then i watched tv and went to bed. i got so burnt on my face and a little bit on my shoulders. then jaclyn got soo burn all over her back .
woke up and didnt feel good my mom said it was from then sun but w.e went back to sleep and then got up andjust watched teevee all day and then got dressed and went shopping and then to harbor master and then to another store and then came home and im now updating.
.::.people i love .::.
Mary:sorrie i couldnt comeover today my mom wasnt home. but i love u and we neeeeed to hang out still.
Lauren:im glad u rnt amd at me i love u ur like a sister to me.
Jaclyn:Im glad were hanging out ur sweet.
Marisa:SHOWER CAP! lol love u neeed to hang out more.
Maria:Im glad ur back .
Lauren: ur funny . im glad were friends and that ur not movin we neeeed to hang out .
Jeff: haha it was funny lemme know if its mentioned. ;)
Stephanie: i lvoe u ur so funny hah were so mean.
sean:ur a looser with no friends.
Jake:ur my new best friend.
Michelle:ill tell my best friend and u tell urs.
Jill:sotlk4e ;)
corey:u r so smart u need to help me with my site.
if i fer got u lemme know ....
ruby_tears_ < thank you so much for the lay out and the help.