Mar 01, 2006 20:39
The Ex Boyfriend Survey*
What's his name?: Kyle
Where'd you meet this asshole?: school, in 6th grd.
How long were you together?: almost 7 months
What'd this cat look like?: 5'9'', brown hair w/ blonde highlights.
Sexy?: sure
What attracted you to him?: personality, looks, that i could be myself with him,
How'd he treat you in the beginning?: like a princess
The end?: like shit
The jerk ever cheat on you?: yupp.
You ever cheated on him?: never
Why/Why not?: because i loved him, and only him.
What was the sweetest thing he ever did for you?: bought me flowers when he was sick, left them in my car, and asked me to h/c.. like they did in Laguna Beach.
The LEAST sweetest thing?: told me that i couldnt talk to other guys, but he could talk to other girls, lied to me, cheated on me.
He have any bad habits I should know about?: being a hypocrite, bastard, and asshole
He ever hit you?: when we wrestled
Did you really love him?: yes i did
You think he really loved you?: i thought he did, but i dont know
Why/Why not?: because he wouldnt have hurt me the way he did, and wouldnt have cheated on me. and lied about it
You ever think about him?: yeah, sometimes.
You ever considered working things out with him?: i did at first, but now helll nooo
If you could change one thing about him, what would it be?: to tell the truth.
What did you like most about him?: the way i felt when i was with him.
So, do you miss him?: not now, i did.
If so, youre stupid. Kidding!:. yeah i know
If you could talk to him right now, what would you say to him?: why, what really happened. just tell me everything.
Any hard feelings?: um yeah .. sorta
Would you want to be friends?: isnt worth the pain.
If you could go back to one point in your relationship, where would it be?: the day we had sex
Did you spend this Christmas with him?: yes, my aunts house, and his aunts house.
If so, what'd he get ya?: hoodie from Aero, pants from aero, 4 socks from aero, and body spray from VS
What'd you get him?: Florida Gators hat, hoodie, necklace, winter hat, matching scarf, n' a hat rack
How old is he?: 16
How old are you?: 17
He have a new gf?: oh yeah.
If so, how do you feel about it he does/did?: pissed off, because thats the girl he lied about, and stuff, and cheated on me with
You like anyone new?: yeah.
More than your ex?: i think so.
Did you ever think that he was your "soul mate"?: yeah i really did. sadly
What was the funnest thing you ever did together?: um.. to many things.
You ever cryed over him?: wayyy too many times.
He ever cryed over you?: no. not that i kno of, doubt it
Do you think he misses you?: no
Or still cares about you?: no
How do you feel about him now?: i miss him. but then again, i'm over his bullshit, so yeah hate him
How do you want things to be with you two?: i would like to be friends. but that will never happen again. idk. i just want the truth to be out btwn us. and put the past in the past and move on.