Okay so Im not understanding why people have to be so mean.I mean someone imed me from an anonymous screen name and they seem to always im me when Im away because I never get them when Im actually on.Whoever it is says just because im "insecure" I put up away messages that are dedicated to my boyfriend and it doesnt mean everyone wants to here about it.Okay well what I dont understand is that the decision for them to read it is completely up to them.Take me off your buddy lists if you dont want to read what I have to say.It's my life,my screen name,my away message so sorry suck on it.You are the insecure one.Im sorry you dont have what I have.I will always feel sorry for you because you can't just own up to your name and tell me who you are.But whatever,you are the one who people feel sorry for.
Still can't keep me from being happy though..