(no subject)

Apr 25, 2005 15:59

my last enrty before i go to europe. i really have nothing to say other that i cant wait!!! oh yeah, ill miss u all!!

[[ f i r s t s ]]
First Best Friend: julie (best freinds for 10 years) i miss her L
First break-up: 2 summers ago
First screen name: maryanapm (oh god)
First self purchased album: the britnery spears one
First funeral: dunt remember
First pets: a puppy
First piercing/tattoo: years when i was 2
First true love: phssss no true love but geoff was the only boyfriend that i said i love u to and ment it
First enemy: this girl in preschool

[[ l a s t s ]]
Last car ride: yesturday from the mall
Last kiss: Wednesday<3
Last good cry: thursday night i believe
Last movie seen: i havent seen a movie in like months
Last beverage drank: orange juice
Last food consumed: chocolate
Last crush: gavin?
Last phone call: my mom like a min ago
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: slippers
Last annoyance: boredom
Last time wanting to die: ummmm . last thurday i believe.

[[ r e l a t i o n s h i p s ]]
Who is your best friend? A have a few amazing friends
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nopez

[[ s p e c i f i c s ]]
Do you do drugs? nope
What kind of shampoo do you use? herbal essence
What are you most scared of? snakes
What are you listening to right now? usher
Who is the last person that called you? Ummmm ....jill
Where do you want to get married? a huge church
What would you change about yourself? Lotsa things

[[ h a v e | y o u | e v e r ]]
Smoked? no
Bungee jumped? No…..
Made yourself throw up? lol in 5th grade
Skinny dipped? last week. lol
Ever been in love? Im not sure
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? hell yeah
Pictured your crush naked? actually it was last year and it was in my dream..lol
Cried when someone died? yeah
Lied? yea
Fallen for your best friend? noo
Been rejected? yup...keithal...hahaha
Rejected someone? yeah..
Used someone? once
Done something you regret? oh yeaa

[[ n u m b e r ]]
Of times i have had my heart broken: once
Of hearts i have broken: dunno hopefully none
Of guys i've kissed: 4?5?
Of girls i've kissed: 1
Of continents i have lived in: 2
Of tight friends: a few
Of cds i own: tons
Of scars on my body: ummmm

That was funn lol.....cOmment<3 xOx
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