(no subject)

Apr 15, 2005 16:43

Just a bit about you.
Full name (middle name too): Maryana Nicole
Sex: female
Birthday: 03.03.90
Birth place: Ukraine
Hair color: light brown
Eye color: brown
Weight: 97 lbs
Body type:ummm... nice?
Nationality/Backround: Ukaranian
Glasses or contacts: nope
Braces: nope
Favorite physical attribute: my butt.
Least favorite physical attribute: my pale skin

Yo peeps
Parents: Nick Nadia
Are they married or divorced?: married
Favorite parent and why: umm like them both
Siblings (names and ages): none
Favorite sibling and why: i dont have 1
Favorite over-all family member: my cuz
Pets (names): none
Do you have alot of friends?: a lot of amazing friends <33
Name them, or atleast your best: close-> yafa, kaye, lane, jenn, keith, kyle
Who's your best friend? ^ up there
Who's the nicest? jenn, yafa
Who's the meanest?: LANE!!
Who's the dumbest?: me?
Who's the most outgoing? hmm.. kaye, lane,
Who's the sweetest? yafa, kaye, jenn
Who's the oldest? yafa
Who's the youngest? lane or jenn not sure
Who's the craziest? lane
Who's the wierdest? they all r..lol
Who's the shyest? jenn? dunno
Who's the smartest? they r all pretty smart actually
Who has the most annoying laugh? me!!!!
Who's the best story teller? kaye
Who's the hotest? keith
Who's the ugliest? none r
Who's the funniest? kaye, jenn, keith, kyle
Who's most sarcastic? kyle and lane
Who do you laugh at most? (not with) lane, kyle!!
Wich friend do you REALLY wanna punch sometimes? lane
Wich one will end up in jail first, and why? haha i have no clue
What's the craziest thing one of your friends did? cant think of anything rite now

What school do you go to? WLNHS
Favorite teacher/staff: fras and well lindsay
Least favorite teacher/staff (you can pick more than one): Shzymanski
Most ridiculous rule at your school: no phones at lunch
How many times suspended? o
Name atleast 3 recent things you got in trouble for: no wearing shoes to gym (dont ask), leaving class, not reading directions

This or that
Coke/Pepsi: pepsi
Sprite/7up: sprite
Cake/Pie: cake
MTV/VH1 (Not referring to music videos): MTV
Caramel/Butterscotch: caramel
McDonalds/Burger King: Burget King
K-Mart/Wal-Mart: Wal-mart
Shoes/Sandals: Sandals
Clothed/NAKED: i guess naked when no1 is around
Milk/Chocolate milk: Chocolate milk
Apple juice/Orange juice: orange juice
Mp3/CD: Mp3
Rock/Rap: rock
Give/Recieve: give

Have you ever
Danced in the rain? i wish
Kissed in the rain? yesz!!
Slow danced? yup yup
Been out of the country? (specify) yeah.. i go to europe every year
Passed out? not that i remmeber
Tried to kill yourself? NEVER
Not been able to stop laughing? haha.. yeah.. many times
Talked on the phone for over 3 hours? yup.. 7 hours with brad. god i was stupid
Cried over a guy? unfortunatly
Cried over a girl? i did last summer be cause we got in theis fight because of a guy. it was soo stupid
Eaten a "yellow snowcone?" i dont eat snow
Eaten a bug? by exident
Peed, or pooped in any strange places? peed in the woods..lol
Been on the phone while eating/drinking and spilled it all over yourself? yeah...lol

Have you ever been in love? i though i was but now im realizing that it was just lust
Have you ever had your heart broken? yeah
Do you believe in love at first sight? yeah.
Do you think there's someone for everyone? yeah
Are you in a relationship? no
If so, what's his/her name? ----
Do you love this person? --
Have you told them? ---
How long have you been together? ---
Have you ever cheated on someone? noooo
Has someone ever cheated on you? i still dont belive he did but i dunno
Who was your first kiss? Nick
Have you ever seen your crush naked? my ex bf.. totally be exident . i swear
Ever imagine them naked? =P i might have
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? (PHYSICALLY) eyes, smi
What do you look for in a guy/girl? funny, i must find him attractive, nice, hmm must have some things in common.

Naughty stuff
What's your take on porn? ummm... i dont know
Have you ever watched any? maybe..
What "base" have you been to? (specify) first
Ever skinny dipped? yeah, by myself though, lol
What's a place you would never touch someone? i dont know
What's your favorite body part of the opposite sex? oh wow.. hmmm... i never really though about it
Who's the sexiest person on earth? Ashton Kutcher

Another type of naughty. You druggie, you.
Have you smoked/Do you smoke? (Tobacco): never
Do you drink? i've had some before but i dont really drink
Done marijuana? never
Done cocaine? nope
Other drugs? (illegal drugs) none
Used medication to get high? no
Used medication to harm yourself? nope
Used any household items to get high? (like glue, markers, etc) nope
Used a bowl or bong? no
What's the craziest thing you've done while drunk/high? ---

Food: chicken, salad, chocalate,
Drink: water, tea, pepsi
Desert: anything chocolate
Band/Singer: hmm, alicia keys, usher, kci and jojo, savage garden,
Musical instrument: drums
Game system: i dont have 1
Video game: dont play em
Movie: a walk to remmeber, mean girls, soul plane, white chicks, and umm any horror movie
TV show: degrassi, that 70's show, summerland, DHW,
Song: all my life, crazy, i knkew i love you, caught up
Book: among the betrayed
Animal: dalmation, panda
Sport: volleyball, basketball, football
Thing to do: talk on the phone
Person: ummm i dont know
Day of the week: Saturday
Season: summer
Messenger service: AIM
Email service: yahoo
Restaurant: anithing itallian
Place: beach
Holiday: my bday
Kind of cheese: mozzarella
Kind of pizza: with a lot of hott pepers
Sandwich: turkey
Kind of car: sports car
Friend's house: jill
Person's online journal: phsss.. mine

Comfortable place
Where's the best place to be with someone? anywhere if its with someone u like
What's your idea of the perfect date? spending time and having fun
If you had a whole day with your someone, what would you do?
What makes you melt inside? "he" does
What songs reminds you of someone? o wow a lot of dif. songs remond me of dif. people
What place on you do you love to be kissed? lips
What place on you do you love to be touched? hips
Would you eat a baby for a million dollars? noooo
What would you do if you found out your boyfriend/girlfriend wore a wig? nothing, as long as there is a good reason
Do you use your hands to talk? sometimes
How about when you talk on the phone? i dont think so
What's the strangest thing you've done while talking on the phone? dunno
What's the strangest thing you've done while talking on aim? i dunno
What's the strangest thing you've made out of/done with duct tape? nothing
What have you hidden under your bed? there is nothing there
What's under there now? nothing
Is the plural of Jesus, Jesi? there is no plural of jesus
How many american flags do you have in your house? 1
Ever sworn at somebody you shouldn't have? yeah
How often do you bathe? (as in wash) every day
When's the last time you did? last night
Do you believe in sex before marriage? sure.. not for me though
Are you getting tired of this survey? alittle
Did you secretly enjoy it? oh yeah
Do you watch little kid shows? veigie tales..lol.. no
Do you enjoy them? oh yes
Do you prefer showers or baths? baths
How long do you usually stay in there? and hour
What are some of your fears? big dogs
Are you a vegitarian/vegan or something of the sort? no
If you could meet anyone famous, who would it be? i dont know
What do you wanna do when you grow up? wanna be a fashion designer
Gonna go to college? yup
Gonna get married? yeah
If you had to guess, who do you think you would marry? a guy i really like
Want an iPod? not really
What's something you regret? last summer
Why? cause it fucked evrything up in my life
Who's someone you regret dating? andrew, ****
How much money do you owe total? none
What's the best advice someone's ever given you? dont remember but it was by yafa and allyson
Would you bang a rich old guy if you knew he was gonna die soon? noooo
What's the scariest dream you've ever had? a few night ago, i got up screaming. dont really wanna say what it was about
What's the best dream you've ever had? not telling ;-)
What's the most embarassing thing that's ever happened to you? oh wow, i could write a whole book on my emberassing momnets. umm dunno.. going to the guys fitting room
Has anyone ever walked in on you doing something? yes. when i was in the shower
What do you like to draw on besides paper? my hands
Ever almost died? no
Who do you hate? no one
Who do you love? my friends
Who do you want? gavin
What do you need? food.. im hungry lol
Who do you miss? my family in europe
Who do you hope to never see again? ****
Would you ever wish death upon someone? noo
What's the funniest video you've ever seen? the one in gavin's profile. the fat man singing.lol.
What's the most horrible video you've ever seen? dont wanna say it
What's the most disgusting video you've ever seen? the bio video where the guy took his nose of
What's the strangest video you've ever seen? probly something in bio
What's the coolest video you've ever seen? the one me and lane made. lol
Have you ever made a prank phone call? yeah..
What's the creepiest thing anyone has ever done to you? god it was last year dont remember what it was but aj did it
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