Asshole Jordyn comin up

Jun 02, 2004 19:30

School can just fucking die. Who the hell ever though of giving essayS out to children and expexting them the next day?... OH YEA my damn teacher. My schools standards are waaatyyy to high. Or maybe im just stupid. Anyways do you guys ever feel like you loose everything? WELL, just this weekend I lost all my pics, my camera, my cellular device, Nadias buurfday gift.. thankfully i found all of it. I just about poped a vein in my fucking forhead trying to find Nadias gift. And where was it the whole time? Im Lindseys car where she told me it WASNT. But its all good now because it was found. Some people like me are assholes and loose everything including there minds at times like these. These LiveJournals really know how to get you rambling on about shit, oh yea i went to the dentist today and they put me on that relaxing gas.. fuck yea. By the way I dont think I say fuck enough, damn.

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