PS- Im a little happier now... my previous entry was an emotional time in my life.. But I smile now

Sep 06, 2004 00:50

Newyorkcitycop77: ew
Newyorkcitycop77: thats so gross why the fuck is her skin falling off
Newyorkcitycop77: its like my new cd is called that
Newyorkcitycop77: itll also be our new club
Newyorkcitycop77: people who still have their skin
Jordi Spice: hahahahahahahahaaaaa
Newyorkcitycop77: we'll make patches..... with our skin so people know how much we have
Newyorkcitycop77: and that we can have extra and spare enough to make patches for our super cool gang

That is the funniest things. I swear I almost pee'd my pants.
Nadia I looove you so much.
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