Dec 07, 2006 23:26
I love the feeling of Christmas.
I hate the feeling of sickness.
But im going to school tomorrow, for the succesful restaurant blazing sattles, that i was happy to help arrange =D!
blah. being sick is a bitch. but i think that all this sleep has helped me alot =).
seriously, for little things like bad colds. all you need is nyquill/ and some sleep. maybe some dixoral. and lots of water. it helped. although i have an insane amount of mucus. gross.
people are lame, im glad the ones i associate myself with arent. its just sad to see how fucking retarded and selfcentered people can be. but i guess thats not my problem. Unless it destroys the world or something.
Perkins is stupid, im already looking for another job. I think im going to get a waitressing job at ihop. i mean hey, idc if its a lot of mexicans. theres not as many dramatic females, and more racial differences. and im not just talking about mexicans. and plus. it never hurts to have waitressing experience.