I officially hate customers. Seriously I dk if anyone else has to deal with people like this at work, god they are annoying. I got bored so I wrote out all the annoying things they do lol
+Have your coupons ready. Don't give me your coupon AFTER you scan in your credit card, it's too late. Don't bitch at me because your an idiot and forgot it. Also don't dump everything in your purse/pockets out looking for the damn thing you should have done that before you got to the register...now your making me and everyone behind you wait.
+Have all your shopping done before you get to the register. No you can't run and get "one more thing" after I have started the transaction.
+No we do not have a pubic restroom, go next door.
+If you don't have a CVS card and don't ask to use the store card it's your fault your shit didn't ring in on sale. You need a card to get the sale, not my policy sorry. Don't be rude to me because your either too lazy to look for yours, to stupid to ask for the store card, or too much of a moron to realize you need the card for the sale even though it says it right on the sign.
+Stop asking where the batteries are and turn around they are right behind you.
+No we don't have milk
+No we don't have ice cream
+No we don't have a copy or fax machine
+The flier is for the entire chain so yeah it is possible for us not to carry some of the items, get over it, and go somewhere else
+Stop trying on the makeup before you buy it
+No you can not return items you bought at Walgreens
+If you want to return something have your recipt it makes things a lot easier
+If you see me walking down the aisle with a two wheeler filled with trays get out of the way. Don't stand there like an idiot looking at candy
+Don't ask me to check out back for you. If it's not out we don't have it.
+Don't get mad when we don't have the sale item on a Saturday night, you had all week to buy it
+Don't hand me a $100 r $50 at 8am
+In fact, don't hand me one ever unless you are paying for something expensive. I don't want to give you $98 back from a $100
+Don't complain when I can't take your coupon, you just bought $40 worth of stuff for 57 cents and your compaining becuase we wont take your $5 off coupon to make the purchase free. Your coupons can't exceed the subtotal idiot.
+Stop waiting like an idiot at the photo counter when your just picking up pictures. The regular registers are open for a reason.
+Yes my register is open, its the only one anyone is standing at
+No we don't have rolling papers
+When I ask for your CVS card I don't need a 10min long detailed apology for where its located, a simple no would have worked.
+Yes extra care saving are the same thing as the sale price we didn't just take $12 off your purchase to be a nice person
+No I don't want to take your basket or your cart back. You walk right by them on your way out, please tell me your not that lazy
+Don't call and ask if we have something. Come and look for yourself. I don't have time to shop for you when I'm ringing in other customers.
+Keep your kids undercontrol. Our store is not a playground. If your kid puts candy in his mouth at the register don't put it back, pay for it. No one wants your kids drolled on pack of gum, even if it is still wrapped.
+Buy one get one free and buy one get one 50% off are NOT the same thing
+Don't throw radom stuff you don't want on the shelves, I just spend an hour facing the store.
+If you notice your cart is the "squeeky one" please put it back. Don't push it around going, "haha I must have got the noisy one" yeah no shit.
+Don't ask me how to use the credit card machine. There is a picture there showing you how to do it.
+Don't come in the store at 9:50 to go a lot of shopping, we close at 10, yes we will throw you out.
+If your a perverted old man, go away. No I'm not interested thanks anyways.
+Don't ask me for directions, I'm busy. It's called mapquest.
+when you get the the register hang up your cell phone. This is my biggest pet peve. Don't act annoyed when I interupt your conversation to tell you your total. Your the rude asshole one your cell phone.