(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 09:02

I took a bunch of quizzes

How blond are you?

Your Results: True dumb blond...Paris Hilton
You may not be leagally blond but you are one DUMB ASS BITCH! do you notice ppl shaking there heads and rowling there eyes when you talk? no i didnt think so your prolly tp dence to notice. I bet you are the type of person that is only popular because you are hot!!!! but dont worry if you screw the dean you might get in to a decent college

What animal are you?

Your Results: Dog
Your fun, and playful.

Which Mean Girls Character Are you? (girlz)

Your Results: Gretchen Wieners
Your a conceited bitch.

Which Laguna Beach Character are You?

Your Results: LC
You are LC, very fashionable, rich, and GORGEOUS. You are bitchy but in a silent way. Who cares though with looks like that!?

Which Full House Character Are u?

Your Results:Michelle
Aww..You're the cute one...

wHiCh OLSEN TWIN r u??? (((pix)))

Your Results:M a R y - K a T e
wOo-hOo! ur a wild and crazy cutie who know's how to par-tay! u like guys, but not tOo much! ur really smart and really slim (hope that last one doesn't become a problem!) lol

Your Celebrity Style Twin is Paris Hilton
Sassy, sexy, and totally hot!

what celebrity bootay do you have? (girls only)

Your Results:Britney Spears
Your butt is quite average but you know how to work it.

Which FEMALE Celeb do you relate to most?

Your Results:Jessica Simpson
You are the great strong voiced Jessica Simpson. You always get what you want and that's what you tend to do best. That's awesome!

What teen celebrity are you?

Your Results:Britney Spears
you are a beautiful teen that changes boyfriends like you change underwear

What clothing store are you?

Your Results:Abercrombie & Fitch
You cute and fashionable..your not afraid to splurge if it means you gonna look hott!

take the quizes in ppl's myspace's nd tell me wut u get!!!!

luv ya alll 915-0189
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