Jun 01, 2005 17:07
WOW its been a while since i updated my lournal. OMG today in gym we had to runthe mile, nd since i have asthma, it was really hard nd after i was like weezing a lot nd then i started sobbin, cuz i couldnt breathe, i wasnt tryin to cry, but if u had asthma, youd understand me. Everyone was askin if i was ok nd stuff. i got 8.05 or 8:05 or 8 mins nd 5 secs. how ever u wanna say it. i dunno how to put it. i almost fell asleep at lunch. omg nd then that kid shane was puttin chocolate ice cream in his ketchup, nd since i couldnt sit in the annex where me nd my friends usually sit, but they were sellin root beer floats, so we had to sit by him. then he stirred it with a fry nd ATE IT! it was soooo gross. every1 was tellin him to stop but he didnt. i was coughin so much that in chior i had to mouth the words nd pretend i was singin cuz i couldnt sing. then my brother when we were playin round the world i was drinkin his water bottle nd i said here nd i was bout to giv it to him but i took one more sip nd he went to grab it from me nd he pushed it in my mouth, it hurt reallllyyy bad. o then he whiped me really hard with his belt. omg i love stevie wonder!!!!! if any1 likes his songs, tell me!!!! were dissecting frogs next thurs nd fri. im soo nervous, its soooo gross. wuts the point in dissecting a frog, how is that gonna help us in our future? my dad was gonna take me to breakfast that day, but since were dissecting 2 days, theres no point. anyway i would get the whole story from the boys in my class, cuz when i missed the worm dissection they all told me bout it nd i was soo grossed out. they were tellin me all the deatails nd they wouldnt shut up. oh nd if you didnt hear already, i dumped dillon. comment or ask me nd ill tell ya why. i dont really wanna write it in here cuz its mean in my opinion nd its embarassing, but if u ask ill tell ya.