Jun 14, 2004 17:27
wo0w.. so today was school --1st period finished my project it looks like ghosts lol .. 2cd period-- well as i was walkin there wit cait mary and joe d [me bein a geek holdin my bookz close to me, as joe schott says ] well ..i forgot that i had to finish my eye disection today so0 me and cait switched shoes.. she wore my flip flops and i wore her sneakerz lol so0 i wouldnt get in trouble hahahz-- so0 we did the eye .. sum got on keisha again haha and then started notes again; 3rd period-- got my test back haha :\ then we stuff for the final ..lunch me and keisha aint aint lunch partners anymore haha.. 4th period-- did notes ..hw..and yeahh stuff for final
then mike drove me home; we went to rite aid haha that was funny teh old lady lmao0' then came home.. wo0w so0 hear it goes:
joe schott thinkz that hes tough and likes to make fun of people yeahh i think thats so0 cool--
xX19OutKast89Xx (3:03:38 PM): you always just walk to class, hold your books close, and don't look at me
xX19OutKast89Xx (3:10:22 PM): just some regular nasty jealous girl
xX19OutKast89Xx (3:34:43 PM): and how i notice you in that hallway is that you're rather large
xX19OutKast89Xx (3:34:51 PM): putting it nicely
first of all--i dont wanna look u and if u spent so0 much time lookin at me and pickin every god damn thing out then u gotta problem. i aint no fuckin geek--nasty girl--jealous--or fat girl ..then u fuckin lie and say that u didnt say shit about how u hate ur friends.. if anyone gets the chance to know me ..they kno that im not a mean person i wouldnt make up shit to make ur friends not like u.. but now ur telling me that u didnt say anything [makin me look like the idiot] i kno the truth.. and now i know that all u are is a bunch of bullshit that needs a fuckin attitude change; u think to0 much of of urself.. and if u thought all that shit about me idk why u even bothered of talked to me and shit 'no1 made u talk to me and no1 makes u look at me .. so0 ur soo tough [so0 u say] stop lookin at me and get a fuckin life.. stop makin up shit so0 people think im sum kind of fuckin loser cus i kno i aint.. anyways so0 if u wanna make fun of me say it to my face-since ur so0 god damn tough .. and if u think ur so0 cool idk why u would say all that shit to me and then block me wut the hell does that do nun?? we back in 2cd grade -- and the whole thing wit the gf and shit-- if u think i would spend that much time on u .. thats the funny part and i aint like that and then say that cait is trying to break u and her up?? wtf she aint like that so0 u need to get a fuckin life and stop blammin shit on us ..
ppl are sO fuCkin gAy; nD neEda uNdAstaND
to keep their mouthz shut if they dnt want tha
sHit thEy sAy tO cOme baCk tO theM.. uH huH
aLsO :: peOple shOuldnt taLk shit bOut OthAz
wheN whAt thEy sAy deScRibez theM mORe'
theN the fuCkin persOn in tha 1st pLaCe..fuCk
alL Of yOu'z . . niKki - dNt wRy if thEy dOn`t *'
beLieve yOu cuz thAtz theyr Own prOb. ! ! ! !
cAitlyn`z w0rdz 0f the day. . :o]
haha i love u girl--thanx
thats it for now-- im sure ill be called more shit so0 ill update wenever
<3 always nikki