Mar 29, 2005 00:09
Devintlm: hey
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: hey wasa
Devintlm: chillen
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: did u and fred almost fight?
Devintlm: how was ur day
Devintlm: he wants to fight me
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: it was g0od.. y?
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i heard him say devin and i was like HEY THATS MY FRIEND lol
Devintlm: i threw a milk from the 3rd floor and down to the first floor and it "suposivly" hit him
Devintlm: do u know him
Devintlm: the thing is, ive been covering up for this other kid who threw a milk too, because i saw who my milk hit and it wasnt him it wasnt even a guy, it was a chick in my class and i talked to her about it but she was kool with it
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: 0o0o... lol yea i kno him i was goin out with him durin health
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: ill tell him tomm to leave u alone cuz it wasnt u
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i got u
Devintlm: thats tight i guess, i think my Ex has been eggin him on to fight me, but i never told him that the other kid did it, i took all the blame, and i thought we worked everything out but he still wants to fight me
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i duno if he does, tara was talkin to him today and she said i seen u almost fight devin before spring break and i was like wait...devin and then the bell rang so i never got the story
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: but i remember him yellin about it last week
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: lol
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i would of done the same thing
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: he deserved it
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: LOL
Devintlm: would of done the same thing?
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: but ill tell him if he trys to fite u ill never talk to him again, and i kno he wont have that..
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: yea, he was an asshole last week, he needed some milk thrown on him
Devintlm: u dont have to do that, i mean i really have no reason to fight the kid
Devintlm: one thing thats kool is that ever since i broke up with my Ex ive been able to learn my lesson from things before i get in trouble or punished, i think that made me grow up a lot, and now i found myself a new female, she is really nice i like her a lot, thanks for helpin me out and tryin to find a female for me, i appreciate it.
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: aww. lol thats g0od. im happy for u and to tell u the truth, jessica and eric arent that cute together
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: they came in my job together and they were like fighting.. it was funny
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: u could do alot better
Devintlm: i wish her the best
Devintlm: but yeah not to like speak low of her i think i need to find me a gurl who i am on like the same level with
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: yea u do.. shes still younger and needs to learn a thing or two
Devintlm: im not sayin i didnt love her, but things happen
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: yea i kno u loved her
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: u did all u could
Devintlm: yep
Devintlm: im pretty sure eric was eggin fred on a lil too
Devintlm: so u dont go out with him ne more?
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: nope. we broke up a lil before valentines day. i felt s0o bad cuz he still came with all this stuff for me and today he was asking me if there could maybe be another "us" and i didnt kno what to say, i smiled and said i duno
Devintlm: was he nice to u
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: hes a sweetheart and means well, but he needs to learn how to treat a girlfriend.. i mean like if he wants to be serious with someone he has to slow down with the pot, and kerry
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: cuz kerry and him are together alot and i dont think thats the best thing in the world for him, but he'll learn one day, hopefully s0on
Devintlm: well maybe he will learn his lesson and u might wanna think about givin him another chance
Devintlm: he kalled my house sayin he wanted to fight me and i think he was smokin cuz i could hear him coughing in the background
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i thought about it. i decided that if it happened then it happens but im not waitin for it. my options are open.
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: yeah that drives me crazy!
Devintlm: have u told him he needs to work on these things
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: nope.
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: well kinda...
Devintlm: u should let him know
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: wen we broke up he asked what went wrong and we spent all of second hour talkin about it
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: and i told him he needed to put me close to first, at least a lil before his lil friends, and make more effort to see me, and have a live instead of sitin at home and smokin
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: life*
Devintlm: tru
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i told him i kno i cant make him quit completely and i wont try to but he needs to stop alot, cuz its gettin bad
Devintlm: hopefully he will learn from his mistake
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: he cant go a day without it
Devintlm: that sucks
Devintlm: im glad i never tried it
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: yea, and he started smokin cigarrettes again
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i found that out today
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: and i slaped him
Devintlm: bummer
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: and he said sorry, and he needs me around to help him.. and not to make dumb decisions
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: and i said if i start hanging around u more, u gota stop!!
Devintlm: yeah u would prolly help him
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: s0o hes gettin somewhere
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: yea. i had him duin pretty g0od
Devintlm: yeah at least he admits it
Devintlm: thats good start
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: lol yea
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: its guna be alot of work tho
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: lol
Devintlm: yeah but maybe its worth it
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: even if we dont end up together i want to see him healthy and i kno im still guna care about him as a friend, so i wana help. be in his lil life
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: he best appreciate me
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: lol
Devintlm: thats good, i think u should give it a lot of thought, cuz he needs the help and it sounds like u would b the best to do so
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i kno.. i just dont kno if i want to put myself in the position of bein his gf again
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i cant tell if thats what i want
Devintlm: he does appreciate u i just think he is a lil confused right now, he needs u to lead the way
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: it feels right.. but then it doesnt
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i always second guess
Devintlm: follow your heart
Devintlm: its what i do
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: does that mean hes jus a g0od friend
Devintlm: jk thats a line from napoleon dynamite
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: lol
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i seen that yesterday
Devintlm: u like it?
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: yea
Devintlm: it means that ur not over him completely and u still "love" or have feelings for him
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: ok. i thought it was something like that
Devintlm: just try to help him as much as u kan
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: i am
Devintlm: and if he realizes how much he needs u then hopefully he will make himself change, ur an awesome kid, he'd b stupid to choose weed over u
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: aww! thanx devin i love u t0o!
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: :-D
Devintlm: but seriously thanks so much for everything, helpin me get through the whole ex thing u really helped me a lot, and i appreciate it, and if u need ne thing just ask. and i hope everything works out between u guys. but i am drained and i need some sleep so ill ttyl, sweet dreams and have a wonderful day tomorrow
x0xSnOoKiE143x0x: aww. u t0o. it was no problem, i like u t0o. ur someone i could relate to and ur great to talk to. ill tty tomm.. nite nite