
Sep 11, 2004 05:33

Ok So first of all its like 5:00 in the morning haha WoW I haven't slept for shit.....tonight was funn...today was our first game it was ok...but it was hot like a motha fucker...after the game me...KiKa...KimBerLy...and KiMrEy went to eat at in n out mMmM food sounds good right now lol but anyways after LiNdS picked me up and we went to nicolles lil kickback and then we left and drove around and me and my love linds talked about stuff cus we had a lot of things on our mind...I lOved our TaLk...heHe <3 then josh called and wanted to say hi so we said hi to him then we left and me and linds came to her casa and talked more...then josh and some guy stopped by to chill with us...it was funn I guess you can say...haha guys ArE DiCkS.....

FuCk....I hate the way I feel right now...CoNfUsEd...SaD...MaD...DiSsApOiNtEd...HaPpY... scArred...loTs of diffferent feelings have begun to build up inside of me and i don't know what to do about it...:{ anyways gosh guys are so fucking weird I swear its like I dunno I just can't explain it...It fucken sux cuS I thinK I have fallen hard for this one guy like a lot and I like him for all the right reasons but I am just so confused about stuff... aWw and all the lil things that he does makes me like him even more...I think its his personality that has won me over...AhHhHh...CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!

I ThInk I HaVe GiVen In ToO EaSy.... <3333333

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