tODaY i wEnt tO allIsoNs iT wAs so muCh fuN!!! FirSt whEn i Got tHerE we reDid heR roOm! It loOkS soo gReaT! AfTer thAT we TooK a lOT of pIcs! iF u wAnnA seE thEm looK aT hEr lj--->! ThEy pRettY mUch exPalin wHat wE dId! but OMg it Was sO muCh fun!!! weRe goiNg to HanG oUt tomMroW. ShE's goInG to Go to My naiGhboOrHooD paRty wIth mE. tHen sHe wilL sLeEpoVer! caLl us TOmrroW!!! aLso mAke suRe u LooK aT allIson'S pIcs!!!!
x0. lYndZ!!