Heh..Brooke..Told you that's what I'd make my subject! =D
New layout. I love this song to pieces, so when I saw it, I freaked out!
Not much has been happening lately. Just hanging out around the house..Doing the usual.
I was supposed to go home later today. Hah. I'm still not asleep from last night and it's weird to call today..today..because usually..it's like..tomorrow. But yeah, past that. But back to my story. I was supposed to go home [back to my mom's] but change of plans. I decided to stay here a couple more days. Dad said I'd probably go home Monday. I do need to go home for a little bit before I go to Lake Erie because I gotta get some summerish clothes and books. My dad said I'll probably need lots of books for this vacation. I'm not looking forward to it much. It's a big family deal. Huge family. Cousins, aunts, grandparents, you get the idea. I mean, it might be fun, but right now, that doesn't seem too likely. Ya never know, though. I think I might subconciously be looking forward to it, but right now, I don't feel like admitting that to my dad or anything. My dad's side of the family is nice, and that's who we're going with..so who knows? It'll be fun hanging out with Erin and Rett. And we're going to Cedar Point. That's a plus. I'm looking at a brochure right now. It looks pretty nice actually.
I finished True Believer by Nicholas Sparks the other day. I forgot to write about it, though. It was really good! I loved it. Now, I'm starting A Walk To Remember, but I'm not sure how this is going to go because I've seen the movie a bajillion times. I like to read the book first and then see the movie, but I guess I kinda already killed that idea. I definitely need to get some new, good books.
I gotta make the most out of this weekend. I'm gonna miss being with Brooke. And since I'm going home Monday. Yeah.. This weekend has to be cool. Brooke said something about trying to go to Rocky Gap. That would be so awesome, but if we can't do that, it's cool. We can always just go down to our little place on the train tracks. We have to take pictures down there before too long. We always say we're going to, but we never do. Well, now. We have to. Before I leave. =) Sounds like a plan to me.
Sorry I'm just rambling about stuff. It's 5 in the morning, I don't have much else to do. Brooke crashed out about an hour ago. I tried to get her to stay up with me, but, obviously, it didn't work. Alright. That's all.