Apr 18, 2004 20:47
1: grab the book nearest to you. turn to page 18, find line 4 write down here what it says : "A La Carte Skin Care" <~ its the Bobby Brown: Teenage Beauty book!
2: stretch your left arm out as far as you can. what do you touch first? : the headband i wore 2 weeks ago and never put back in my bathroom
3: what is the last thing you watched on TV? : The Breakfast Club- an 80s classic
4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is : 8:36 PM
5: now look at the clock, what is the actual time? : 8:38 PM- ohh so close
6: with the exception of the computer, what can you hear? : music! bandages- hot hot heat (:
7: when did you last step outside? what were you doing? : at 5- coming home from a wicked bad softball practice- I DIDNT HIT ONE BALL- i was in a bad funk... very uncool*
8: before you came to this website, what did you look at? : hollisterco.com (:
9: what are you wearing? : hmm ;] my sOmething corporate shirt from last nite and these wicked hot sweats i bought at GAPKiDS for 10 buckroonies
10: did you dream last night? what about? : yesm- it was about ... well i forget- BUT i DO REMEMBER DREAMiNG i SWEAR!
11: when did you last laugh? why? : on the fone with tara like 15 minutes ago- i heard her cousin kal complaining about losing the allamo- haha EVENTHO WE DiDNT!
12: what is on the walls of your room? : Blue Paint * and a chalk board... other than that its puurddy blank!
13: seen anything weird lately? : yeah a ladybug with no SPOTS!
14: what do you think of this quiz? : its wicked fun cuz its like WHOA
15: what is the last film you saw? : in a theater? JERSEY GiRL (: // on tv? The Breakfast Club
16: if you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first? : a cOach bag :-[
17: tell me something about you that I don't know : the sea monkey stole my money
18: if you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? : i wouldd makee bathtubs full of jello (:
19: do you like to dance? : hmm do you kno me? THAN THATS A TOTAL AND COMPLETE YESS SIRREE BOB ;)
20: George Bush : looks like a snake- omg we can finish eachothers sentences!
21: imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? : ahhh i had one and it was wicked purddyy OMFG I REMEMBERR- Lily Grace
22: imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? : hmm... i had this picked out but i cant rememberr- OMG how about Christopher cuz than you can call it Toph!
23: would you ever consider living abroad? yes in paris or spain*