(no subject)

Aug 03, 2004 18:05

monday _ woke up. went to get my hurr cut! its soo adorable! haha ! & then i went home & did nothing. well i had gone shopping thats all though!

today _ woke up.went shopping. came home. found out my digital camera is like dead! & i can't take a picture of my hair! so i am pissed about that! made a new screen name! sex x3 ed! yeah! & then tonight i might go to the book store. funn! and then thursday my moms going in for sugery.blah blah blah. & then i get to go to the Java Hut & paint & stay there all night & that shall be fun! the java hut is a coffee house my stepdad owns! its awesome! it will be funn. they have bands there & its just. coOl!

01. I've never been in love.
02. I used to love Fraggle Rock.
03. Shopping is FUN!
04. I love buying underwear.
05. My family is crazy..but I love them.
06. I enjoy playing my music loud
07. I want to have 2 kids
08. I live in a small town
09. I love to wear sandals
10. I LOVE hugs.
11. I like to take pictures.
12. I am a blonde
13. I'm going to the beach tomorrow.
14. Usher is sexy.
15. I never get bored
16. I have brown contacts
17. I love all my friends to bits
18. I cant wait until i can drive.
19. I love The Little Mermaid
20. I love waking up in the middle of the night and realizing I still have a
couple hours to sleep.
21. When I get home the first thing I do is get on computer.
22. I wear a lot of make-up. I wish I didn't.
23. I slept till 12:30 today.
24. I am not creative
25. I love chocolate more then anything.
26. I have one best friend. That's all. But I'm perfectly fine with that.
27. I can do a back bend.
28. I do Yoga everyday.
29. I take a shower every day.
30. I hate to swim.
31. I want to go to Australia
33. I love playing badminton
34. I rock at spider solitare
35. My favorite show is Summerland, its new on the WB
36. I am a very jealous person.
37. I'd rather have a small group of close friends than a large group of
friends that I didn't know all that well
38. I love Valentine's Day
39. I wish I had money
40. Getting new things is always fun.
41. I want Ashton Kutcher
42. I am watching Saved By the Bell right now.
43. I'm quiet in class and loud with my friends.
44. I love my friend's trampoline.
45. I am very crazy at times.
46. I have many things I wish I could tell my friends.
47. I hate when people say "Im sorry" when in all actuality, they aren't.

48. I am on a diet.
49. I like eating
50. I love using the computer.
51. I've had my belly button pierced for exactly 11 months.
52. My favorite drink is lemonade.
53. I love to write and type random things.
54. I eat too much junk food.
55. I hate math.
56. I like to give advice.
57. I cry for no reason soemtimes.
58. I am really really shy at first.
59. My birthday is in November
60. I love sarcasm
61. I love doing cartwheels.
62. My digital camera is broken.
63. I wish I could sing good.
64. I hate it when people judge others.
65. I love watching tv.
66. Lately I've had an obsession with TRL.
67. I never saw the first Shrek.
68. I wish I was athletic.
69. I own every NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Otown, and 98 degrees cd.
70. I love "The Simple Life 2"
71. I love listening to music.
72. I love Dustin.
73. I love guys with good hair.
74. I love wearing skirts.
75. My favorite animals are Elephants & Kangaroos
76. I love being alone.
77. I like writing in my real journal.
78. I like to talk.
79. but i like to listen even better.
80. I like going shopping with my mom
81. I'd love to have the money to buy things for people for no reason at
82. I love peanut butter.
83. I hate any kind of tea.
84. I'm scared of the Ocean but I love the beach.
85. I want to be in 2 places at once.
86. I want to get a tatoo of a star on the top of my foot.
87. I would love to visit the Mall of America.
88. My vision is -2.25
89. I freeze easily.
90. I have to brush my teeth before I go to bed. No matter what.
91. I want a flatter stomach (thinner right?)
92. My hair is extremely straight.
93. I can sleep for 15 hours
94. I'd do anything for my friends.
95. I cant wait till school starts.
96. I am in my first year of high school
97. I'm happy with the person I am.
98. I am a Scorpio.
99. I don't listen to any of the music I listened to 2 years ago.
100. I love receiving e-mail's/LJ Comments. (even tho indon't get any..w/e)

|[ basics ]|
Name: Carolyn
Nickname: Carrie
Birthday: December  28th
Birthplace: Massachusetts

|[ now ]|

Current mood: tired and blaah.
Current music: nothing
Current taste: diet coke
Current hair: was all flippy and pretty at one point.
Current clothes: white shorts and green top
Current annoyance: myself.
Current smell: chickkenn!
Current thing I ought to be doing: cleaning.
Current windows open: none
Current desktop picture: beach
Current favorite band: coheed & cambria!
Current book: babysitter
Current cd in stereo: no clue
Current crush: that boy..
Current favorite celeb: hmm? I dnno
Current hate: myself.

|[ do i ]|

Smoke?: nope.
Do drugs?: nope.
Have sex?: nope.
Give oral sex?: nope.
Receive oral sex?: nope.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yess.
Remember your first love?: yep.
Still love him/her?: nope.
Read the newspaper?: nahh there's not enough time for such nonsense.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: not that i kno of.
Believe in miracles?: yes.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: mhmm.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: sometimes.
Consider love a mistake?: depends..
Like the taste of alcohol?: yes.
Have a favorite candy?: yesss resses peanut butter cups
Believe in astrology?: yep.
Believe in magic?: not really.
Believe in god?: i try to.
Have any pets: dogs fish cat
Go to or plan to go to college: i think so.
Have any piercings?: two holes in each ear.
Have any tattoos?: not yet.
Hate yourself: sometimes. like right now.
Have an obsession?: shoes! And purses! I LOVE THEM AND HAVE MiLLiONS
Have a secret crush?: not really secret.
Do they know yet?: no
Have a best friend?: yes, many.
Wish on stars?: all the time.
Care about looks?: sometimes.

|[ love life ]|

First crush: ….
First kiss: mike
Single or attached?: single blahhh.
Ever been in love?: mm yupp..
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no.
Do you believe in "the one?": yes i do.
Describe your ideal significant other: i want myself a cute little emo boy.

|[ juicy stuff ]|

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: haha nooo of course not. ;o)
Have you ever been intoxicated?: haha um slightly.
Favorite place to be kissed?: in the raaiinnn!!!! well it hasn't happened yet but that would be so cute.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": nope.
Are you a tease?: i try not to be.
Shy to make the first move?: nahh.

|[ word association ]|

Rubber: band.
Rock: diamond.
Green: my shirt
Wet: rain.
Cry: darkness.
Peanut: butter and jelly sandwhich!!
Hay: halloween.
Cold: sad.
Steamy: shower.
Fast: caarrrsss!
Freaky: um killers with knives in scary movies.
Rain: summer showers. :0)
Bite: vampire.
fuck: me.
Blow: bubbles.
Religion: god

|[ appearance ]|
Hair: dirty blonde.
Eyes: blue
Height: um 5/4

|[ last thing you ]|

Bought: bubble gum!
Ate & Drank: diet coke & popcorn
Read: livejournals.
Watched on tv: news boring

|[ either/or ]|

club or houseparty: housepartay.
beer or cider: beer
drinks or shots: drinks.
cats or dogs: both can’t chose
single or taken: taken.
pen or pencil: pen.
gloves or mittens: mittens!
food or candy: candy.
cassette or cd: Cd.
coke or pepsi: coke.
this or that: that.

|[ who do you want to ]|
kill: haha umm no one. and even if i did i wouldn't tell you.
get really wasted with: some hot guy!!
look like: i like the way i am.
be like: again, i like the way i am.
avoid: dno

|[ last person you ]|

talked to: my mommy.
hugged: mommy
instant messaged: Ashley !! ! !! ! !!!!
kissed: no one..

|[ where do you ]|

eat: my table or couch.
cry: wherever i feel like it.
wish you were: california with  ASHLEY

|[ have you ever ]|

Dated one of your best friends? nope.
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? i guess you could say that..
Drank alcohol? yes.
Done drugs? no.
Broken the law? haha maybe once or twice.
Run away from home? nope.
Broken a bone? yes
Played Truth Or Dare? yes of course.
Kissed someone you didn't know? nope.
Been in a fight? sortaa.
Come close to dying? no but that would be cool.

|[ what is ]|

The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: haha ohh i can't say britney or nysnc or anything like that because everyone has those.
Your bedroom like?: well i have 3 One is really cluttered and small and cozy and i love it. And the other is really big & cool and the other is
Your favorite thing for breakfast? pancakes.
Your favorite restaurant?: um. I dno!

|[ random questions ]|

What's on your bedside table?: haha a lamp and a bunch of shit.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: asually icecream or ceraal.
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: aww the lion king!
nahh I dno?
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?:dno !!
What is your biggest fear?: being alone.
What feature are you most insecure about?: my fatness. ew.
Do you ever have to beg?: sometimes.
Are you a pyromaniac?: haha yess!
Do you have too many love interests?: nope. just one.
Crushes? just him.
Do you know anyone famous?: nahh im not cool enough.
Describe your bed: um a comforter with a great amount of pillows and stuffed animals.
Spontaneous or plain?: spontaneous.
Do you know how to play poker?: yes i doo. i am the master.
What do you carry with you at all times?: my cell phone, camera, jewelry ..um pretty much anything in my purse.
How do you drive?: i wouldn't kno.
What do you miss most about being little?: sitting at home at my old house with nothing to worry about, watching Fraggle Rock all day long.
Are you happy with your given name?: yeah sure.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: Oh my goodness. A lot.
What color is your bedroom?: white
What was the last song you were listening to?: dno
Have you ever been in a play?:  yep.
Who are your best friends?: Ohh i have alot. Ashley christie jackie meaghan sarah. And abunch of others! <3
Do you talk a lot?: if im in the mood.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: sometimes..
Do you think you're cute?: people tell me i am.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? haha no.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: i guess so.
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: umm since i dont have a boyfriend, i guess i spend all my time with my friends.
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: aww that's cute..

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