Big brother. Oh Big Brother. You make tha transision from morning to afternoon so fucking entertaining. But Kate. Kate is the biggest fuck tard in tha house. Grrrr. I hate you, Kate. The twins and Hotdogs on tha other hand... *sighs* ... yeah.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!I went onto a website and I now know who the final 5 are...
Kate ((Ugh... slut))
Tim ((He's wicked))
Vesna ((Annoying, whiney bitch))
Greg ((One of tha twins... Mmmmm))
Melanie ((An intruder who hasn't come into the house in NZ yet))
This is something I am not.. I repeat NOT happy about. Grrr.
Oh and DAMN one of the intruderz is fuckin sexc. Yeah boi!