Apr 13, 2005 17:56
So yesterday was really boring. i went to school then came home did all my homework while watching tv took a shower talked online watched tv straightening my hair then went to sleep.
Today was fun. i went to school then i walked home with marisa hayley leah daniel and ryan. then ryan and daniel walked home and we cut thru erics back yard and dropped leah off. then we went to my house and jumped on my tramp and played soccer and ate and had some fun but interesting times. then leah came over. then hayley's sis came over and we did tricks and taught her and marisa some stuff while hayley did some homework. funny times. then hayley and leah and ashley locked us out !! lol. then we went on the tramp more then leah went home then mar and hayley and leah went home and now im doing this. bye.
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