Apr 09, 2008 22:31
A couple of weeks ago I moved out of a sharehouse and into a single-bedroom place in Mosman. I'd been nervous about moving out by myself for the duration of my PhD because I was worried that the isolation would send me insane.
Well, it's been three weeks, and I haven't gone insane. In fact, it's been fantastic. I can invite people over without wondering what my housemate is doing / going to do sometime later, the place looks presentable, I can play my bizarre music with impunity, and I can walk around without wearing pants whenever I like (though I never actually do this. I always wear pants. Always.) I really like my place and would recommend it to anybody. This brings me to my next point, which is that you are all informally invited for dinner and/or bizarre music at some point. Or, if you'd prefer a formal invitation, you should come to my housewarming, which I haven't organised yet.
More sanity updates to follow as events warrant.