Hasta la victoria, siempre

Nov 29, 2015 23:44

I popped over to Cuba for a fortnight.
It was really quite warm, almost Caribbeanesque - 30+ every day we weren't in the mountains.
Plenty of vitamin R was available. When rum is as cheap as fizzy drinks, it's going to be a fun time!
The Bay of Pigs was duly invaded without casualty. Highly amusing captioning in the museum there about the Imperialist Yankee dogs.
Then it all went a bit wrong.

Water volleyball: not a game I'm any good at, but not dangerous, you'd think. If so, you'd be wrong with that water proving highly dangerous as it put my good shoulder out. Humbug. Off to the Cuban health service it was, and three guys putting it back in over 20 minutes without any drugs - the bruises have just about faded. Then they thought it was a good idea to plaster it up for a week - see the temperatures above for how pleasant this was. Oh yes, it was my primary hand as well. It's a bit strange having food cut up and laces tied!

Anyway, back home and a proper sling, with physiotherapy to come, hopefully not leading to having no working shoulders. Rather dampened the last 6 days of the trip though.

*one of Che Guevara's lines. His monument is very impressive.

Ephraim - sorry, couldn't make yesterday sadly.
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