Oct 21, 2012 20:14
A little singed around the edges, but back. Random snapshots:
Gorillas were fun, amusing young ones up to silverbacks (only one of the group actually got bitten by one... apparently it was drunk on fermented bamboo).
Masses of stuff in the Masai Mara, including a leopard and vultures doing unmentionable things to a zebra corpse.
A picnic lunch under the only tree around, just us and about 500 wildebeest was quite odd.
Saturday morning spent ambling around in a park of zebra and giraffes. Joy Adamson was a bit of crank.
Amusing moment in one campsite: heading for the toilet block, torches first picked out the eyes of four impala, which was fine, followed by "What's that black shape? Oh, it's a buffalo. Um. I'll wait a bit then..."