Episode 5 of the 2099 Bitmapped podcast -- hosted by David Ellis and Aimee Morgan -- is up at TFRadio.Net!
In this episode:
- David is afraid of Aimee. But it’s a good kind of fear. Honest.
- Reviewed: December 1992 issues, part 2 -- Doom 2099 #2, Punisher 2099 #1
- Doom is an @$$hole! But we love him anyway.
- The fourth launch title in the 2099 line is finally reviewed. Our verdict on Punisher 2099 #1 may surprise you.
- Dinosaurs are sighted in 2099. No, seriously.
Download the episode at
http://www.tfradio.net/index/2011/4/20/2099-bitmapped-05.html, leave feedback on the page or at
2099@tfradio.net. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or at
http://feeds.feedburner.com/2099Bitmapped . Search for 2099 Bitmapped Podcast on Facebook!
Also, check out the other great TFRadio podcasts, like
Radio Free Cybertron,
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David Ellis
2099 Bitmapped Podcast:
http://www.tfradio.net/2099-bitmapped/2099 UnderGround Revised Fanfiction: