Chapter 01: Mayfield's finest Wyvern Knight.

May 18, 2011 13:10

[A: Enter: 1336 Benny Road.]

[Cormag was perhaps not always the most observant person, but he certainly knew that he didn't fall asleep here last night. No- he remembered that they were travelling and had just finished killing some of the undead monsters across the land. He had rolled up in his tent and went to sleep. This bed was far too nice for a soldier, and the decorations in the room were questionable at best. He never had an interest for 'Mayfield High' or whatever it was written on the wall.

His priority was to get the hell out of here, not caring how ungraceful or loud he was on his escape. He had to stop though. Downstairs was a photo of him, with a bunch of people that he didn't recognize. Who did this painting, it was pretty good. Yet... it tried to make it look like they were family. Family wasn't important anymore, and it certainly wasn't with any of these people. There were more of them though, so it looks like he'll be in the living room for the time being.]

[B: Phone, unfiltered]

[He had picked up the phone on a whim, all you're going to hear is breathing though. With a few grunts here and there, because he's studying this thing.]

[C: Around Benny Road, or wherever around town.]

[You just heard some sort of loud pitched whistle. Or you just saw him on the top of some building, almost as if he were looking for something. Well- his Wyvern needed to be around somewhere. If he really was kidnapped, Genarog would've followed him here, if he already hadn't attacked his kidnapper. The creature was smart. The only possibility is that he was here, and must be hiding.

Looks like he's still continuing that whistling, wherever you found him.]

character: eirika, character: lyon, character: spain, character: nena trinity, ic, loc: 1336 benny road, phone, character: japan, character: tabby, action, character: guy, character: rose tyler, character: higgs

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