(no subject)

Apr 10, 2006 22:54

"The next time some politician -- ANY politician -- prattles on about how illegal immigrants are an economic necessity, I want somebody to get in their face and force them to deal with the fact that what they're really saying is that our economic future is absolutely and unchangingly dependent on slavery.

Because when you cut through all the bullshit, that's what's at the heart of it as far as I'm concerned. This rhetoric about "all the jobs Americans are unwilling to take" boils down to certain types of employers being allowed to get away with not paying a decent living wage (not to mention benefits) or provide decent working conditions because the people they're employing have no recourse to complain about how they're being treated.

Call it what it is, people. Then maybe we can be honest about fixing it."

from metaquotes original post by telaryn

now think about it, really think about it, think about what if you put the words Irish instead of Americans, think about the Polish builders who are trying to get basic wages here, and the ones who are hidden that we don't know about.

Do we have slavery here too?

I suppose this one goes down with my do we live in a democracy or a vaguely democratic aristocratic system...


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