(no subject)

Jun 15, 2005 15:18

My life needs help!

Yesterday had:
almost too tired to think or move and so missing yoga (swaying while standing and talking to someone is generally bad)
Avoiding the "sing along a czech movie" in the front room that was pure scary
wait for husband to come home to cook while trying to work out how long he would be to see if I could avoid eating to stop the acid burn, failing.
waking husband from slumber to go to bed.

Oh nearly forgot - about 2 days ago Grutok pulled himself up in the bed using the iron headboard and there was a click. There is now no pain in his sternum, his back is still in bits tho. Over 2 years, several specialists, and all that and it could have been solved by a torture rack in about 5 minutes.

Come downstairs to hubbie tearing hair out over a form.
try to remember where form could have been
kiss him goodbye while he still rants, heading into Frank in the Stamp Shop for a folder to put all the paperwork into (something I suggested ages ago, however what he got isn't really what we need but I digress)
Head upstairs, search through pile of stuff I know was put on my chair to clear kitchen table for game last thursday.
Find form and ring husband to catch him before he goes any further.
Go to dentist
Phrases you don't really want to hear in a dental surgery when you go in for a check-up
"I took most of the rot out but had to leave some" (it's apparently packed with stuff to stop it spreading, but still)
"It might be a little sensitive to hot and cold, that's normal but throbing pain will mean you have to come back quickly and have root canal work"
"I think we should do this one now"
"you need two more fillings and we need to keep an eye on another one"

2 hours later... missed the IMPAC award ceremony (Edward P Jones won for The Known World if you really want to know) running for bus to get to work.

got new mobile phone holster tho, very cool looking!

impac award, dentist, yoga, husband, mobile, housemates, health

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