To sleep, perchance to dream

May 18, 2016 23:17

Oh man today was a day on automatic. I woke at 6:15 ish and the lights in the room from across the hall, because elder cat doesn't do subtle when he enters the room, little cat does, but elder shoulders the door out of the way and the light was bright, too bright to really sleep until just before the alarm clock went off. Oh man I was tired. And the weather is changing, so I'm headachy and miserable.

Our new library management system disliked us today and was recalcitrant all day, which didn't help my productivity either.

We picked up dinner from M&S who are helpfully doing a dinner for 2 for €14. We picked it up and have indulged, though tomorrow I get to dissect the carcass and use it. A job I'm not terribly fond of, but I'm better at it than himself.

Watching Game of Thrones off the player, enjoyable.
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