From Twitter, Saturday, 3-5-2016

Mar 06, 2016 11:25

1:23 PM - @ThisIsKnit he likes the other two and is holding off on the indulgence until he sees it knit up

1:24 PM - Aran heresies again and the comments bring up those Fecking clan aran.
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1:45 PM - @FPDublin: COMPETITION: Win tix to the BATMAN VS SUPERMAN Irish Premiere thanks to Warner Bros. Simply FOLLOW & RT this post
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1:47 PM - @Rioghnailt yeah I was going to say something last night but then I saw the comment and saw red

2:09 PM - @yswiney geese I'd assume. And writing out the women who invented aran knitting even more

2:10 PM - @yswiney seeing as how I found evidence of knitting needles in Ireland in the 17th century... Sigh

2:11 PM - @yswiney I'm almost tempted to respond to that comment with "citation please"

2:17 PM - @courtneybrubin: My French friend's son, 6, misheard "yoga" as "Yoda" and was gutted that class doesn't involve lightsabers. (And really, why doesn't it?)

2:21 PM - @TaraFlynn: Check out this cartoon. And @oneilllo on blistering form
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2:35 PM - @yswiney I once saw one of the diggers with me on dun aeongus string on a tourist for a good half hour about a leprechaun just seen.

2:36 PM - @RubysashaKnits sweet!

2:38 PM - @yswiney also saw the same guy fish a trout off the top of the cliff using the string the surveyor had used to measure how high it was

2:40 PM - @Rioghnailt above this
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3:23 PM - @yswiney it was,

3:27 PM - @Rioghnailt I've been cited for that post several times. Links need fixing

4:15 PM - @theirishfor I had a customer lecture me for ten minutes about using a single English word in a transaction. The word? Wafers.

4:16 PM - @theirishfor the sentence? An bhfuill wafers uait fresin?

4:57 PM - @theirishfor it put me off talking irish at the time and it made me so self conscious about it. Still raw after almost 30 years

4:58 PM - @theirishfor it was in my home village and part of the rant was about how I was shaming my conradh na gaeilge founding grandfather

5:43 PM - @theirishfor anecdotally I've heard of several people in the 80's and 90's who had similar experiences.

5:46 PM - @ArgusICraig: Could this, included with the blu-ray of The Martian, be the worst attempt at a movie tie-in ever?
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5:50 PM - @theirishfor went to college in Galway (from Galway too) used to call them Gael-Nazis. Some would stop talking to you in Irish or...

5:52 PM - @theirishfor... Correct you and make you repeat the correction several times. Then again I had more confident irish on NS than secondary

5:53 PM - @theirishfor I grew up in the breac gaeltacht and used to regularly get the deontas. Can read French better these days

6:33 PM - @dermotcasey: The pain on the family getting by on a mere $650,000 per year jumps off the page...
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