From Twitter, Thursday, 3-3-2016

Mar 04, 2016 08:18

10:14 AM - @littleredyarn @planetscape you're my hero. So dealing with some post cancer crap, Inc no children issue. More husbands issue.

10:26 AM - @littleredyarn @planetscape thanks, this winter has been hard. A lot of folks in my life seem to have a head ability to add stress

10:28 AM - @amandafennelly: Happy #WorldBookDay to readers and writers everywhere ??????????????????????

11:25 AM - I don't think this is what Dublin bus intended for this but it works
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3:22 PM - @Glenisk just one? Beauty by Robin McKinley

3:32 PM - @Glenisk and it can depend on the day, tomorrow it might be Peatchett's Mort or Witches of Wenshar by Hambly or Isle of Glass by Tarr or...

5:56 PM - @valmcdermid: #WorldBookDay Just read. Whatever you love, doesn't matter what anybody else says/thinks, just read.

5:58 PM - @valmcdermid *applauds*

12:01 AM -
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7:56 AM - Mad kitten runs out into snow #sneachta
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