8:33 AM - @JoeDesbonnet nor me either
10:06 AM - Damn, the small, ignorable tear in my jeans is spreading.
10:06 AM - @MicroSFF: "Lost and found."
"I've lost all hope."
"So why call us?"
"Because... Ah, I see. Well spotted. Thank you."
"It's what we're here for."
10:16 AM - @ygalligan: A great step forward for equality in politics and a base from which to progress @NWCI @women4election
https://t.co/vzB4dCDMDK [
https://twitter.com/nwci/status/704217594358861824 ]
10:56 AM - @darraghdoyle: Here's the new "Never Got an Oscar" poster boy...
https://t.co/dleW04pwYx https://t.co/9rzjN6sWyl [
http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CcXzJtHWwAAHLmQ.jpg ]
http://imgur.com/gallery/XFcydvM ]
11:48 AM - @LizLovick: Finally a use for th symbols.
https://t.co/IGqwrUCSGK [
http://fb.me/2aPx8E0TO ]
11:50 AM - @LeapCard: To celebrate #leapyear we are giving you a chance to #win a 2 night stay at the fabulous @Seafieldhotel #leapforlove
https://t.co/uiukSACgfR [
http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CcEqg6EWwAA_e49.jpg ]
11:53 AM - Coping barely with feelings of inadequacy and loneliness today.
12:04 PM - I could hear @EmApocalyptic read the first few pages of Planetary in my head, memories of @Octocon
12:15 PM - @FraffieB: 'The recovery is evident in Dublin.' Yep, the blue sleeping bags all over the city every morning are living proof of that alright. #GE16
12:23 PM - @EmApocalyptic @Octocon hate autocorrect. I'm blaming work
12:32 PM - @ickle_tayto @EmApocalyptic @Octocon amazons recommendations are quite broken
2:51 PM - @abigailb: Apparently women get to make proposals on Feb 29th. I've been mulling it over and I'd like to make one. I propose to destroy the patriarchy.
5:32 PM - @EditorEric: Learned a new word: "procaffenating". Like procrastinating, but putting off doing something until you've had a coffee.
8:52 AM - @Ozman: So much for being wise and successful. #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain
https://t.co/ApH1wf7SSq [
http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ccbgb0CXIAEbwoL.jpg ]
8:54 AM - Please may today go well. At least I've ditched dodgy jeans. No draft today.
8:56 AM - @c_oreilly: Yet another reason why good quality social housing is needed now.
https://t.co/LOJZmdFZWr [
https://twitter.com/NiamhPitts/status/704549467584913408 ]
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