Apr 09, 2009 18:27

I'm at the end of a allergy flare. Judging by what I ate over the last few days this was probably someone "borrowing" some of the food I store in the work canteen. Yes my allergy to gluten is such that we have to have two sets of butter at home, those minor crumbs of bread cause my stomach problems and then I have two days of bad and today I had the why the **** bother eating moment, with a side order of tears. There are also times I look at some gluten-filled food and just want to binge. Yes I've lost weight, yes I'm healthier but I'd like a coffee cream slice dammit (or a whole large coffee or carrot cake) just once, straight out of somewhere like the Temple Bar Bakery. Rice Cakes just sometimes don't cut it.

And somehow my Semagic has set to a default of all caps.

food, moan, allergy, health

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