Perhaps...the final chapter of Kyrie, the University of Melbourne Chronicles

Nov 27, 2008 18:53

Let's hope it is, =_=. I can't bloody take another year of full time studies.

Okies, end of studies, what the hell am I to do next year?

I've been thinking of opening a bakery.

Yea, gonna toss away 3 years of agony in an Actuarial course. Lolzor.

Ahem, anyways...I really hope I can get a job next year, >.>. I was considering doing honours in Actuarial, but as the days goes by, I just felt that it's not something I really wanna do. And with the Actuarial Statistics paper on Monday? Fuck I hope I can pass my papers this sem and just...continue on with life. I've already been robbed of my H2 streak's just so fuck shit that my first 2 years are rendered null because my 3rd year results are crap(fuck I'm no longer asian, D:). I get pissy about it so I tend to not like people constantly bringing up that subject with me.

Sighs...I wish I could just...stay on in Australia, really like the place here, but a part of me inside had been craving for a change of environment. As well, there's this whole citizenship crap that's preventing me from being able to get a job here, and earn the required points to apply for PR.

Anyways, went for a buffet dinner yesterday at New Quay Docklands to celebrate...5 people's birthday lol. November babies whoa, O.o;; 27 people rocked up, and because it was night buffet at a classy place, the bill was:

Hm...after some rest, I'll be lurking around the uni to take some pictures, as a fond rememberance for the place I used to hang around in.

Some friends from Brisbane came down too, ah...tis good to see those funny lot again, ^_^ I felt sad that one of my friends couldn't make it since he's already back in Malaysia, :<

Oh well~

outings, life

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