
Jul 05, 2010 21:07

Thanks goodness it does not happen so often.

Dreams often find the strangest of time to stab you in the spot most vulnerable in you, at a time where you really needed the space to calm and chill.

A long time ago, I made a post about a dream I had. It was a happy dream actually, but it was that very happiness that saddened me. Simple dream, but I would end up waking up to a depressing morning, yearning for the reality that I may never get.

Ya another life, we may never have met even...

However this time, it's just the opposite.

I sometimes have nightmares about losing my parents. It's one of the fears within me that never fails to send a shiver down my spine and knocking my sights out of perspective.

It's one of the realities that I know I can't stop happening.

I just don't know if I will have the courage to face it when it comes.


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