Why hello there~

Apr 13, 2010 01:34

Hey all, it's been a while since I last made a post here, tho I really ought to be sleeping/studying for my CT1 exam which will be held on the 27th of April, my need to type out an entry overwhelmed me and need to get it out of my system.

So, what happened to me since my last serious post?

Around September 2009, I had a job offer from NOL-APL as a credit review analyst. I took up the job offer(naturally, my other choice wasn't pretty) and worked at the global centre for 5 months. Actually I had another job offer from Bank Negera GP 500 Programme at Stat Chippac Malaysia. Considering the choice and pay, I opted to go for NOL instead. NOL(Neptune Orient Lines) is a Singaporean owned transportation/logistics company, those who are familiar with APL liners and trucks...yeap, that's the person. It has the name there, it's awesome, wouldn't pass up the chance really.

For the first 2 months, I was working on Europe region credit application. Then in December onwards, I switched to work on North Asia region. Great experience, I've learnt to deal with stress gradually(in fact I even stunned myself by just how capable I am in handling pressure and no breaking down...well, there were a few breakdown sessions...but let's not go into there). Of course, as much as the work experience is great and so is the pay(well sorta), I felt that my potential in life is rather limited there. I really felt that I could go further than just working as an analyst there, however the type of industry was just not the right place for me...

So I kept looking around for an opportunity...

And I shall continue this another day as I am now starting to feel sleepy. I need to get up somewhat earlier tomorrow to finish up some product recommendation work for presentation(again) tomorrow, blah.


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