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Apr 04, 2011 18:07

Send me back! Please!

[ That's a familiar voice. ]

I can't be here. Not again. Those people, they need me! I can't stay here!

[ Well, Demeleier, the good news is that Melusine is back. The bad news is that she left at a pretty bad time, and seems desperate to return. ]

Please...just send me back! You can do that, c-can't you? Please...?

why would you do that even, what would cait sith do?, dragoon in despair, melusine is not pleased, panic tiem is go!, oh noes, powers i can't use, abyssea sucks, everything ever back home is dying

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steel_cyclone April 5 2011, 05:50:21 UTC
Mel! [ Excited -- for all of about three seconds. Then: concerned. ] ...what happened? What's wrong?


wyvern_guardian April 5 2011, 06:19:07 UTC
I can't stay here. There are people hurt, I need to go back...

[ Sorry about this Cid. Mel went to an alternate dimension and it broke her heart :c ]


steel_cyclone April 5 2011, 16:00:10 UTC
[ Frowning a bit. ] You need to calm down, first. You went...home? When you left, I mean.


wyvern_guardian April 5 2011, 19:01:01 UTC
If you can call that home...I don't even know...

[ Give her a second.

okay, she's good now. ]

...Cid? That''s you, isn't it?


steel_cyclone April 5 2011, 23:14:36 UTC
It is, Mel. [ A weak smile. ] Welcome back. You've been gone a while. Do you need anything? [ Reunions aside, she needs to hear what's going on, but first things were first: her friend's comfort. ]


wyvern_guardian April 6 2011, 04:45:36 UTC
I need...

[ oh god oh god oh god ]

I-I think I need to sit down for a while. This is a lot to take in, I still can't...

I'm sorry, Cid. I just...I really don't know what to say.


steel_cyclone April 6 2011, 05:33:47 UTC
It's okay. It sounds like, whatever happened, you were through a lot. [ Maybe time passed for her. It wouldn't be such an odd thought, since time supposedly stopped back home in their own times. ]

Where are you? Do you need anything? [ Besides a chair. ]


wyvern_guardian April 6 2011, 05:36:31 UTC
We should...w-we need to talk, Cidriel. About Vana'diel. Something's, it already happened, but we don''s not part of us, we...

It's so complicated. I-I can't even make sense of it...


steel_cyclone April 6 2011, 18:46:56 UTC
Take a deep breath, Mel. Whatever it is, it can wait a moment, can't it? It's doubtful any of us are going anywhere in the new few minutes...

[ Though she was starting to get really worried. They had never spoken about all the specifics of their relative timelines -- heck, she barely talked about the differences between Yen's time and hers; it barely mattered, in their case, but Mel sounded urgent. ]

Where are you right now?


wyvern_guardian April 6 2011, 18:54:43 UTC
Th-the temple right now. I'm inside. Ember's with me.

[ Trust me, Cid. When you hear about what Mel's seen, chances are you'll wish you hadn't found out... :c ]


steel_cyclone April 6 2011, 19:15:33 UTC
I'll come to you, then. [ It wasn't much of a question. Cid was already grabbing her mythril pick for her belt -- she never goes far unarmed, after all -- and storming out of her croft. It's right near the forge, so the distance will not be too great to cover at the rate she's rushing along. ]


wyvern_guardian April 6 2011, 19:18:32 UTC

[ You do that. Melusine isn't really going anywhere, as much as she wants to. She's just inside, pressed against the wall and on the floor, hugging her knees. Ember is sitting on the ground next to her whining and nudging her. ]


[Action!] steel_cyclone April 6 2011, 19:29:16 UTC
[ She busts through the door a bit later, pausing only briefly to catch her breath. The sight of the pair makes her smile, but that dims quickly as she sees that the little wyvern is equally distraught.

Cid kneels nearby. ] Hello, again. [ She reaches out a hand toward Ember. ] Are you both well, physically?


[Action!] wyvern_guardian April 6 2011, 19:32:02 UTC
[ Melusine looks up. Her expression makes it clear that she feels a bit worse for wear, but otherwise she looks perfectly normal. ]

We're...W-We're fine. We've made it so far.

[ Ember is particularly happy to see Cid again and nuzzles her hand. Hi! Long time no see! 8D ]


steel_cyclone April 7 2011, 03:25:43 UTC
[ She notices that, but lets Ember distract her for a moment. ] Good. The last thing you need right now is any more grief from the fae while you readjust.

[ Cid shifts and sits down next to her, knees up and hands resting on them. ] Do you need more time to gather your thoughts, or can I ask what that was all about?


wyvern_guardian April 7 2011, 03:51:50 UTC
Mmm. [ Melusine stares at the floor. ]

It's just's about Vana'diel. The things I've seen, it's...Cid, it's all different. Everything we thought we knew, everything we were brought to believe is wrong...

[[ ooc : Mel will probably be spurting out major spoilers; do you mind or should we handwave? ]]


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