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Apr 04, 2011 18:07

Send me back! Please!

[ That's a familiar voice. ]

I can't be here. Not again. Those people, they need me! I can't stay here!

[ Well, Demeleier, the good news is that Melusine is back. The bad news is that she left at a pretty bad time, and seems desperate to return. ]

Please...just send me back! You can do that, c-can't you? Please...?

why would you do that even, what would cait sith do?, dragoon in despair, melusine is not pleased, panic tiem is go!, oh noes, powers i can't use, abyssea sucks, everything ever back home is dying

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I NEVER REMOVED YOU also 1/? breakin_ur_lore April 5 2011, 04:19:15 UTC
[A little groggily.]



2/3 breakin_ur_lore April 5 2011, 04:20:17 UTC

Melusine?! Is that you - ?!


3/4 i lied. breakin_ur_lore April 5 2011, 04:22:58 UTC
[It is a Mel! His happiness meter shoots through the roof. He thought that he'd not see her again - they were from different worlds, after all, and she had disappeared so quickly and he hadn't gotten the chance to say goodbye - but here she is! Yay! :D ]

You came back! You -


OKAY DONE breakin_ur_lore April 5 2011, 04:23:26 UTC
- don't want to be here?

[A-aren't you happy to see him...?]


LIL NOT!BRO SHE MISSES YOU wyvern_guardian April 5 2011, 04:26:24 UTC
[ Sorry, she doesn't quiiite recognize you off the bat; she's too busy fretting. ]

No! I don't want to be here! I can't be here! People are hurt and dying and I need to help them! I made a promise! If I don't help them, everything will be destroyed, everything...


BRO'DAN TO THE RESCUE *O* breakin_ur_lore April 7 2011, 05:03:09 UTC
What? No - Mel -

[That is quite a bit of fretting there indeed! Med'an tries to shift over to disaster control mode, between being elated that she's back and selfishly disappointed that she's not happy about it. You may imagine him waving his hands frantically.]

It'll be okay, you won't - I mean, you can't do anything about it now anyway -



BRO'DAAAAAAAAAAAN ;A; wyvern_guardian April 7 2011, 05:06:40 UTC

[ Oh dear ]

I have to do something! Everyone's counting on me! If I don't then everything will be destroyed! My future, my family, my friends, everything I've come to know and love will be gone! I have to go back, I have to do something!


wondertwin powers, activate! FORM OF....CUTE!!!! breakin_ur_lore April 7 2011, 05:12:41 UTC
[NAAA YELLING. 8< Also, this is a 1/2 comment.]


breakin_ur_lore April 7 2011, 05:15:59 UTC
Calm down.

[He says it in a...fairly authoritative voice, actually. He's been practicing.]

Nothing will happen while you're here. I know it's hard to swallow [he's been missing Meryl something fierce at least], but you have to calm down about it. Where are you? I'm coming to get you.


wyvern_guardian April 7 2011, 05:21:33 UTC

[ Wow, that kinda did the trick. Melusine is silent for a long, long moment before she starts sobbing quietly when everything catches up to her. ]

I'm...I-I'm at the temple. Ember's with me.


ACTION?! breakin_ur_lore April 9 2011, 04:05:50 UTC
[ - oh gods wait no he didn't mean to...make her cry...crap. Well, now he feels like a tool.]

I' there soon.


ACTION!!! wyvern_guardian April 9 2011, 04:09:00 UTC

[ Take your time, bro. She isn't going anywhere :|a ]


ACTION!!! breakin_ur_lore April 9 2011, 15:25:32 UTC
[Taking your time is for squares, man. Squares who aren't worried about their close friends crying. He hustles his little self up to the temple, slowing when he sees her.]


[A pause, then he speeds up again to reach out for her. D-don't be sad...]


ACTION!!! wyvern_guardian April 10 2011, 05:38:15 UTC

[ Melusine looks up from where she's sitting, still hugging her knees.

...although you know what? Screw that. She's going to just jump up and practically throw herself at her not!bro. Ever been glomped before? This is pretty close. ]


ACTION!!! 1/2 breakin_ur_lore April 10 2011, 16:34:42 UTC
M -


2/3 actually, I enjoy my icons breakin_ur_lore April 10 2011, 16:37:38 UTC


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