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historyblitz October 9 2006, 00:24:57 UTC

The overall application reads to me as the Clayr because of the whimsical feel to it. I almost thought Lirael but then shook my head. She doesn't fit at all.

Let's just take all your likes and cross off computers and RPs. All the rest of it, I think, would fit them.

And hey, add all your dislikes to that list. The Clayr--and as we see so much of Sanar/Ryelle--are decent, excellent people. They would abhor that kinda stuff just like you would.

Special talents were a dead giveaway. I'm not saying the Clayr were anymore then Tarot readers or something--but the Sight was their obsession. They are a group, of well-educated, strong women and they all See. They have precognition, obviously, as it's their thing.

The Claryr are definetly genuine and they all know their place (typically, anyway) so your pet peeves fit.

Sanar/Ryelle is specific now--ability to feel others emotions if they're strong enough. They are strong women and a solid rock--Sabriel and Touchstone can always count on them. And these two are some of the powerful with the Sight around, so they tend to throw their voice around quite bit.

That would be the thing about living with a group of women--dealing with men woudl be difficult. And Sanar and Ryelle said they themselves were something of outcasts before they finally received their Sight. Clayr also seem to tell you nothing about themselves. They're speak to others--sometimes about each other--but rarely about themselves.

You sentences are, again, all very whimsical, another reason I ruled out Lirael--not, again, that the Clayr are just hippies or something but their whole perspective is geared towards the Sight. And the way Sanar and Ryelle act, I could imagine both of them being whimsical--many Clayr if fact, perhaps. With the effects of the Sight and anticipation of the day you'll receive it.

Hey the Clayr are famous merely for what they can do. Sanar and Ryelle are famous for being a couple of the most badass Clayr around. And then, Clayr do not follow or lead from anyone is specific. There is the Nine Day Watch, of course, but it rotates (save for Ryelle and Sanar, 'cause they're nearly always on it) so the Clayr work as a very efficient system.

Magical and Weapons' anwsers = yep. Longbows are long distance weapons and handy for women--plus, S&R are cool on paperwings, so if they needed a weapon, a longbow is a good choice in flight. But if you wanted to go short-swords--then that's just as much. The Clayr are effecient. They get the job done. That's what short swords are made for. Get it. Get out. Get the job done.

And as the Claryr are typically seen in white there is an aura of purity to them. And they never go to war--only thing they have are Rangers, and the Rangers protect their surroundings. Everyone else is on their own. Clayr give the guiding word but everyone else follows. However, like S&R have shown, they've shown up just in the nick of time to save necks.

Your three things on an islands--you want all your friends and family, food and water, and shelter---very close knit? The Clayr are just that way. It's all community and team work.

On your selection of bells....Binder and Weeper--I'm not going to comment on--not because you chose them, but more for your reason for choosing them. I'd most likely select Weeper because, well, the bell would cry in my stead rather than my own weeping. This sentence is a throw off. not sure if it was part of the whimsical nature of the application or if you really believe that.

So, most definetly--talking myself through this, there's no way I coudl see Lirael.

Final Vote: Sanar/Ryelle


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