Name: Katie
Nicknames: bug (*scowl* Becaue I used to play with bugs when I was a kid. So my mom calls me that and it stuck...)
Gender? female
Age? 20
Likes: anime, computers, winter time, ramen, history, reading, books, exploring, traveling
Dislikes: mushrooms, crowds, learning boring stuff (math, science, home economics, ect), vacuumming (it is the worst chore in the universe), shopping
Hobbies/Interests:computers, collecting music, learning about cultures (including dress, weapons, fighting, and history), writing
Special talents: fixing things by accident (kind of--because usually I end up breaking them again, much to my frustration), strong-willed, starting collections and promptly forgetting about them
Pet peeves: blind devotion-whether to work, love, arrogance, religion, or whatever-in my opinion you shouldn’t be bound to blindly believe or follow something, you should always have a firm reason of your own.
Strong personality traits: loyal, strong, creative, curious, tolerant, hard-working
Weaker personality traits: prideful, hot-headed, insecure, prone to brooding, sometimes overly serious, anxious, socially inept, and I have crippling stage-fright. I like to act but when I get in front of people--I always get nervous, clammy, my mind goes blank, and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I took an acting class and a piano class to attempt to conquer this fear, unfortunately it didn't work--which pissed me off more than anything else. I am terrified of people.
Describe yourself in three sentences: I try hard to be...strong, tough--but it ends up backfiring, sometimes when my friends get themselves in trouble, I end up closing off and acting cold and not meaning to. I like to write; scratch that, I like to practice and write well. My mouth goes dry and I hide out in my room when faced with the prospect of meeting people I don't know.
Favorite Old Kingdom character? Why? Lirael. She does through a lot and she has a lot of character flaws. This, I think, makes her one of the most interesting characters in all three books. She is the most complex and goes through the most character development. Firstly, being a writer (or wanting to be), I love that sort of thing. Secondly, it makes her more real; it makes her seem so much more human, I can totally relate to some of her thoughts and feelings; wanting to take command but sometimes afraid to do so. Wanting to bust the rules but wanting to just be accepted and do well. She's at a point where she's mixed up, doesn't know what to do and then is sent on a crazy journey and comes through it stronger, tougher and a will like iron. She's brave and the very end, she's afraid to just hand out orders to Sabriel and Touchstone even though she's the only one who really knows what's going on. She is complex and interesting.
Least favorite Old Kingdom character? Why? Sameth. If there is one thing I don't like--it's a coward. Weak-willed and whiney, he just makes me wanna slap him. But, I think I dislike him for that becaue I wouldn't want to have those traits myself, so I took an immediatly dislike to his character. He's a brave, to a point, I suppose--but he just aggravates me. Only near the end does he actually start to get a backbone.
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One or the other
Famous or rich? Rich...I'd hate being famous. What a miserably life, everyone always prying into what you're doing.
Friends or family? Friends. Not exactly on good terms with most of my family. I don't have a lot of friends, just a few, but they're good ones and that's more important.
Night or day? Night time, merely because it's...soothing.
Optimist or pessimist? Neither. I'm a realist. Because it doesn't matter whether the glass is half-empty or half-full, eventually some bastard is gonna come along and want you to either dump it out or refill it---but it's your choice to say yes or no.
Leader or follower? Neither. I don't care. I can lead; that's not a problem. I can follow--if I believe the one leading knows what the hell they're doing. But I really don't have much interest in leading or following others. I'd rather do it myself.
Introverted or extroverted? Introvert.
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Magically speaking...
Would you use weapons? If so, what kind? Yes. And I'd want a charter-spelled sword and I definetly wouldn't mind having a set of bells. If I could pick an occupation--I wouldn't mind being an Abhorsen. Travel, adventure, gaining strength and character. You learn things about yourself.
If you could have any magical powers, what would you have? Charter vs Free magic I assume? I think they can both be incredible--but it depends on the person how it's used. However, I would go for Charter magic.
If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? Wolf. And not because they're 'mysterious' or whatever emo reasons people pick. Because they are the ancestors of dogs. Loyal to their 'pack' (friends). They are survivers. They're tough. And even though most wolves travel in packs, you do get the lone wolf sometimes--and I'm more of a loner anyway.
If stranded alone on an island, what three things would you need with you? machete, notebook and pen, flint
Would you risk your own life to save someone? Yes.
Do you fancy any particular bell? Why? Saraneth was always my favourite. It was the binder. I think this comes more from my subconsious (especially as my second choice would be Balgaer) because sometimes I feel like my life is so out of control--but Saraneth provide a sense of stability and control. I'm not saying I want to necessarily have 'power' over others. I just don't want others having power over me. I want to be able to protect myself (hence my second being Belgaer and being able to erase thoughts and memories but...also being able to bring them back because while, at times, my decisions are iron-clad and final...ahahaha...I go back on them sometimes--so Belgaer is, at once, a weapon and an ally) against people that would try and take control of my life.
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If you want, feel free to post pictures of yourself, but please limit them to TWO (2). If you don't want to post images, feel free to write a simple description of yourself, so we can get a feel for who you are!
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This was taken about a year and a half ago. My hair has grown since then, down just past my now it curls like crazy.
Which character do you think you'll be stamped as? Er. Well. I dunno.
Where did you hear about us? I was actually hunting for an old username of mine when I found this.
Questions, comments, suggestions?
Actually, I manage a community called
fm_a_rating. It's a rating community for Full Metal Alchemist and I was wondering if you'd be interested in affiliating?