Feb 02, 2005 11:22
I have the main scenery done in the storm painting...........I am waiting for the paint to dry before I put the figure in :) So I was again stuck with waiting for paint to dry. The solution...........
.........start another painting.
This is going to be the biggest oil painting I have worked on so far. I was doing some research into mythology at the weekend after I had an idea (kids and oils don't bode well for the furniture) and was inspired by the various stories surrounding Dionysus/Bacchus. I have decided to base this one round the tales of his birth. It is a bit of an extension of my work on the Green Man in a way. They both share some common themes, growth, fertility, joy; I found this one much easier to compose. I have spent the last two days doing the underpainting and groundwork so I will start on the detail today. I enjoy working on larger canvases it is just a small problem of finding places to store them............I think I am going to need a bigger studio.
I am finally getting into a workable routine, it hasn't been the painting that is the problem.........it's the rest of the housework :D I shouldn't really be surprised I suppose, I have always been at my happiest when I am being creative........unfortunately housework has to be done, so I just have to tear myself away and get on with it! I suppose in a way it is good for me........I have to stop to feed the family, so I sit and eat. I have a tendancy to just keep going until either I am happy with something or too tired to carry on.
I have completed the poetry section of the site now and am working on all the legalese bits at the moment, copyright notices, terms and conditions etc. I don't find them hard work, but i have to be in the right mood to settle to it........too much background noise and you just can't concentrate. The last thing you need is a typo! After that construction can begin. All I have to do then is get the paintings scanned. I won't be able to get that done now for at least another week as the printer has been snowed under this week and is on holiday next week. Fortunately this does not set back the site in any way, it will still be done before my deadline.
I am now off to sort out my daughters lunch and then settle doen to work.