Misty listings and dental dodges

Apr 06, 2009 14:22

i have a cold - which is never much fun but, aha! there is an upside!
Being full of glug and cough and sneeze has allowed me to dodge the horrors of the dentist!

Is it safe? Well it bloody well is now, ta!

Elsewhere - free time is goood time... last week i managed to grab the opportunity to go to a Railway museum and tour the warehouse where they keep all the machinery and parts.
This was like being in Raiders of the Lost Ark or Citizen Kane's house Xanadu (stop singing Olivia!).
Crates and cases full of strange devices - the mind can't help but construct connections between them, creating fantastic inventions and weird scientific fantasies.

I was asked by a youngster recently what i meant by Steampunk and when i started to explain he said,
"Yes yes, the Victorians had laser beams!" The kid went there faster than i did!
He would have loved the museum and the piles of engineering drawings with all their abstract rubric.

Talking of Victorians and laser beams - this week (and in a completely different town) I will be seeing The Young Victoria starring the eeire-eyed Emily Blunt. Apparently historical accuracy goes out the window - but it should be enjoyable - and make up, i hope, for the travesty of Elizabeth the Golden age and the repugnant Other Boleyn Girl. Well, i hope anyhow.

In between times I have finally (as you can probably tell from my icons) got a copy of Code 46 on dvd, a very melancholy sci-fi movie that is also intelligent, beautiful, moving and flawed. Not a film for everyone - but i love it. Tim Robins is always worth watching and Samantha Morton equally. Imagine Minority Report without gunfire and running about and with more tears and set in the same place as Gattaca.

And I even have some new books on the go - Son of a Witch, the follow up to Wicked (which i loved to bits) - and i'm enjoying the 'sequel' so far. Also, The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester, which i thought i had read before - but no.

And lastly, haven't started it yet, Thursbitch by Alan Garner. Garner is better known as a fantasy writer (of sorts) whose books The Weirdstone of Brisingamen and The Moon of Gomrath i am forever recommending to children and adults alike. They (and his other works) are set around Alderley Edge - a magical and mysterious locale that I used to visit often.

I also finally got the soundtrack to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and as a huge Jon Brion fan, it hasn't disapointed me.

I think that's more than enough distractions if coldy cough!-cough! shiver delirium sets in!


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