something different... presenting a Week of Wonders!

Mar 02, 2009 00:57

Welcome, welcome and roll up one and all!


Ladies, Gentlemen, Fenians, Felons, Free-men and Friends...
we here make no distinctions - as we dance these honoured boards between the time zones, between day and night, light and dark, smoke and mirrors...

Ladies and Gentlemen 
Magic - let us not be mistaken -
Magic is why we are here and what we aim to celebrate this week!
A week of such special significance to some particular individuals... but of pleasure and interest (we hope) to the general public at large!

In short - let it be known that this week we shall be holding forth, holding court, holding hands - no, I jest - holding auditions. Yes indeed, if you have a link, a theme, a destination, anecdote to beguile the ear - a trick, in fact, to entrance the eye… then let it be known! We, the management, shall pull it up on stage with us here, under the spotlight, among the sawdust and tinsel and beneath this marvellous technological proscenium arch.

a traditional Martenitsa tassel
today is Baba Marta!

We can promise in the next few days - feats of celebratory circustry, sights rarely seen, and strange facts recalled by witnesses, first hand anecdotes and (most dazzling) the art of the hand itself, mysterious and marvellous.
Yes, the magical skills of well versed professionals and young hopefuls alike.

We hope you will enjoy the show!

Wytchcroft's Week of Wonders...

week of wonders, magic

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